


5 years, 10 months ago


— Lilac • Lilac's Dreamside

Lilac is the titular purple puff and main protagonist of the Lilac's Dreamside series, which is inspired by and made as a "parallel version" of Nintendo's Kirby series.

Despite the great lengths of its inspiration source, however, Lilac has only starred in three stories so far — namely Lilac's Dreamside, Lilac's Dreamside 2 and Lilac's Dreamside 3, which were created as a parallel of the Kirby's Dreamland trilogy.

No one in Dreamside knows much about Lilac aside from the fact he crash landed on the Glowing Grasslands shortly before the kingdom was invaded by a Dark Matter-like enemy. Due to this, many citizens, including Queen Bomble herself, seem to blame Lilac for the presence of the evil entities present in Dreamside.

Lilac lives in a tree house with his partner, Stapple, a grumpy Starp companion who is almost always resting on his head, who acts not only as friend but also as guide for the puffball. Together, the two venture throughout Dreamside, often while running away from foes.


  1. Character
    1. Appearance
    2. Personality
  2. Abilities
    1. Inhale
    2. Copy Ability
    3. Headbutt
    4. Other techniques
  3. Relationships
    1. Stapple
    2. Queen Bomble
    3. Nebula Knight
    4. Pipsqueak
  4. Trivia
  5. Recent Images

svQGxRi.pngLilac's Dreamside 3 artwork.



In Games:Lilac's Dreamside, Lilac's Dreamside 2, Lilac's Dreamside 3

Species:Kirby's species

Affiliation:Stapple, Nebula Knight, Queen Bomble, Pip



Lilac is a small purple spherical creature with two stubby arms, two teal feet and two oval-shaped eyes with black pupils and a tint of purple on the bottom. His design is almost identical to the character he is based off of, Kirby, who is pink and has pink(or red in some games) colored feet.

Lilac and Stapple in Lilac's Dreamside

Lilac almost always has Stapple, his sea green Starp friend, resting on his head, looking similar to what is often referred to as a "cat hat". When alone, Lilac has no features that differ him from Kirby, aside from the different color scheme. He is able to inflate or flatten his body, similarly to a balloon.


Lilac is kind and friendly, oftentimes behaving like a child. He is also, however, easily scared and can be easily driven to tears. Lilac hates being alone, and is always clinging to his best friend Stapple, who cares for him not only as a friend, but also as a tutor.

Despite behaving like a coward most of the time, Lilac is able to face his fears head-on when his friends are in need. As seen in Lilac's Dreamside 3, Lilac only accepts Stapple to hop off of his head to solve complicated puzzles that require separation when he assumes responsibility over Pipsqueak, meaning that he is willing to be brave to protect friends in need.

Although the species seems to be quite fond of food, Lilac is a picky eater and tends to reject certain kinds of food. This is shown in the opening cutscene of Lilac's Dreamside 2, where Stapple attempts to feed Lilac a Maxim Tomato, but ends up being splatted with it.



While inhaling enemies is a notorious ability of Lilac's species, he himself is unable to inhale anything other than food and Ability Stars. This is implied to happen due to his cowardly nature, as he hesitates to inhale things he doesn't know. Due to this, it is safe to assume that Lilac was familiar with the existence of Ability Stars prior to the events of Lilac's Dreamside, as he does not hesitate to swallow one during the tutorial sequences.

It is speculated that Lilac has indeed the same inhaling capabilities as any other being of his species, but chooses to not do so.

Artwork of copy abilities present in Lilac's Dreamside 2Copy Ability

After inhaling an Ability Star, Lilac can either spit it back out as a Star Spit attack, or swallow it for a Copy Ability. As implied by the name, a Copy Ability allows Lilac to attack by mimicking the moves of whatever enemy dropped the Ability Star which granted the ability. Similarly to Kirby and his Animal Friends, Lilac can sync his Copy Abilities with Stapple(and Pip in Lilac's Dreamside 3), granting them the power to perform different moves with each ability.


The Headbutt is a technique that can only be performed with Stapple. The duo lunges forward quickly, delivering a strong blow to enemies. This makes them drop Ability Stars, which Lilac can use to obtain Copy Abilities. This technique can also be used to press heavy switches and shake trees for food items.

Notably, the Headbutt takes the place of Inhale as the most important technique in the Lilac's Dreamside series, as it is Lilac's alternate way to attack enemies without inhaling them. When B is pressed, Lilac performs a headbutt instead of Inhaling like Kirby would.

The Headbutt can be used regardless of the player's copy ability, and it's effect can be altered by the power Lilac and Stapple currently wield. For example - A headbutt performed with the Fire copy ability will turn the duo into a fireball while lunging forward, similarly to Kirby's Burning copy ability.

Other Techniques

Much like Kirby, Lilac is able to inflate himself and flap his arms to hover and exhale a gust of air as an attack, which is referred to as the Air Gun. His hover ability is far more limited, as Stapple's added weight causes him to exhaust quickly. In Lilac's Dreamside 3, however, the duo is able to walk separate ways, leaving Lilac with only Pipsqueak - who is much lighter and is able to float slightly on its own. This allows Lilac to hover infinitely to reach new areas.

Some copy abilities as well as the headbutt technique don't work underwater, limiting Lilac to the use of the water gun attack - a spray of water he can shoot towards the direction he is facing. In Lilac's Dreamside 3, Pipsqueak adds its own bubble projectiles to the water gun attack, shooting at the same direction Lilac faces. Its projectiles reach much farther and can change depending on the current copy ability. 


Main Article: Stapple

Stapple is a sea green member of the Starp species. They were the one who found Lilac when he crash landed in the Glowing Grasslands. While Lilac was afraid at first, they seemed to bond well over time. Since then, the two are an inseparable duo. While Lilac is always the one to take the blame for evil doings in the kingdom of Dreamside, Stapple is always quick to defend him. Lilac is very fond of Stapple and sees them as their best friend and guardian.

From Lilac's Dreamside 2 and on, the two are shown to be living together in a tree house in the Glowing Grasslands.

Queen Bomble
Main Article: Queen Bomble

Queen Bomble started off as Lilac's first main enemy in the series, being the one who offered a reward for anyone who captured him in Lilac's Dreamside. After being defeated, Lilac forgives Bomble for her wrongdoings and she her mistakes. They then become allies in the fight against Dark Matter. Artwork of Queen Bomble in Lilac's Dreamside 3.

During the events of Lilac's Dreamside 2, Bomble is shown to have turned against Lilac once more, but for unknown reasons. It is later revealed that she was being controlled by Bello, who planned to eradicate the kingdom of Dreamside in the name of his master. Once again, Bomble aids Lilac and Stapple in a fight, and together they are able to bring Nebula Knight back into her senses.

Bomble returns as an ally in Lilac's Dreamside 3, offering Lilac aid when running away from Dark Matter Rogues by staying behind and fending them off of her castle. Since then, it is safe to assume that Lilac and Bomble are friends and no longer in bad terms.

Nebula Knight
Main Article: Nebula Knight

While Lilac seems to look up to Nebula Knight, he is also shown to be intimidated by her presence. In Lilac's Dreamside 2, she is revealed to be jealous of Lilac's success being a hero despite behaving like a child, and this gives Bello, the Dark Matter Magician, an opportunity to use the darkness in her heart against the kingdom. As a result, she is the main villain of the second installment in the series, taking control over Queen Bomble's castle, the Dreamside Dome, and sending bounty hunters after Lilac and Stapple.

After coming to her senses at the end of Lilac's Dreamside 2, she aids the duo by lending them the legendary Crystal Sword, which is used to fight off Bello and restore peace to the kingdom.

In Lilac's Dreamside 3, Nebula challenges Lilac to duels between levels in order to test his strength. Later on, she aids him by holding back the Dark Matter Rogues before the final battle.

Main Article: Pipsqueak

Lilac and Stapple find Pipsqueak in the beginning of Lilac's Dreamside 3. It seems to fear them at first, but Lilac calms it down by offering some Caramel Syrup. They realize the baby creature is scared and alone, so Lilac decides to assume responsibility and sets off on a quest to find Pip's parents and return it to them. Later on, the Dark Matter Rogues appear, looking for Pip. Lilac stands in front of them to protect the baby - noticeably for the first time without having Stapple tell him what to do.

It is implied that Lilac watches over Pip the same way Stapple watches over him - as a guardian and a friend. Lilac is shown to conquer his fears and travel great lengths in order to protect Pip, going as far as letting Stapple separate from him while he watches over the creature.

Upon collecting all Friendship Cards in Lilac's Dreamside 3, the trio's bonds power up the Three-Way Wand, giving it the power to fend off the final boss of the game.

  • Although he is named after the color Lilac, he is actually purple. According to Lilac's Dreamside's instruction booklet, this was a mistake made by Stapple when naming him, as they're just not good with colors.
  • His favorite food and drink are the Wonderful Watermelon and the Caramel Syrup, respectively.
  • In Lilac's Dreamside 3, Lilac is shown to be able to speak a few words. It is speculated that this shows the growth of the character throughout the series as Lilac grows to be more mature in latter titles.
  • Early artwork of the character depicts him as a puffball with cat ears, as opposed to wearing a cat hat. This was most likely changed later on with the introduction of Stapple.