


6 years, 2 months ago


It's like that old saying - If ya can't defeat them, bonk them with yer head! 
— Stapple • Lilac's Dreamside

Stapple is Lilac's well-known "cat hat" companion. They are always sitting on top of Lilac's head, fitting the puffball perfectly as if they were a hat. They are also a protagonist in the Lilac's Dreamside series, appearing as a main character in all three installments.

They're a resident of the Glowing Grasslands within the kingdom of Dreamside, and were the first to find Lilac when he crash landed next to their tree house. They've been watching over and taking care of Lilac as his friend and guardian since then.


  1. Character
    1. Appearance
    2. Personality
    3. Species
  2. Abilities
    1. In Lilac's Dreamside 1 & 2
    2. In Lilac's Dreamside 3
  3. Relationships
    1. Lilac
    2. Queen Bomble
    3. Nebula Knight
    4. Pipsqueak
  4. Trivia
  5. Recent Images

hp3WdZI.pngStapple resting on top of Lilac's head in Lilac's Dreamside artwork.



In Games:Lilac's Dreamside, Lilac's Dreamside 2, Lilac's Dreamside 3


Affiliation:Lilac, Nebula Knight, Queen Bomble, Pip



Stapple is a Starp, a catlike species that also look like hats. They have sea-green fur and cyan eyes, along with a small cyan sphere at the tip of their tail. They have small stubby paws and long fluffy ears.

In a piece of artwork from Lilac's Dreamside 2, it's revealed that Stapple also has a round underbelly marked in the list of "funny things" along with other things about them. As the piece is not colored, the color of Stapple's underbelly is unknown.


Stapple is grumpy and laid back most of the time, speaking very casually to just about anyone, even the kingdom's royalty. They enjoy taking naps outside after lunch, as stated by Lilac's Dreamside's instruction booklet, and were likely doing so when they witnessed Lilac's crash landing.

While Stapple seems to be easily bothered, they are also shown to have a soft spot, as they care deeply for Lilac and their other friends. They will always try to avoid getting in trouble and run from dangerous situations, but will still face anything if someone they care about is involved. However, if running away with their friends is also an option, they will choose to do so, as stated by theirself in the beginning of Lilac's Dreamside's tutorial sequence.

Stapple is always explaining the game's mechanics and offering hints to the player, a behavior that comes from their resolution of being Lilac's guide as long as he remains in the kingdom of Dreamside. They care for Lilac - and, later on, Pipsqueak - as a parent and friend, seeing as they're the most mature of them.


Stapple's species is known as a Starp. A small catlike species that looks similar to a hat due to their flattened bellies. Starps are common in the kingdom of Dreamside and can come in various colors depending on where they live. Stapple's sea-green coloration comes from the color of the grass in the Glowing Grasslands.

It is known that the sphere at the tip of a Starp's tail can store Copy Ability Essences, which is said to be the reason Stapple is so well adapted to Lilac's Copy Abilities. However, in Lilac's Dreamside 3, it is explained that Starps cannot use Copy Abilities by themselves and are only able to store them for a limited amount of time.


In Lilac's Dreamside 1 & 2

During the events of Lilac's Dreamside 1 & 2, Stapple is always resting on top of Lilac's head. Their appearance changes depending on the Copy Ability Lilac currently wields, and aids the puffball while performing various moves. The player can press the designated button to talk to Stapple at any time in all games to be provided hints or miscellaneous bits of dialogue depending on where it's used. 

While Lilac is the one who does the motion, Stapple is actually the one who delivers the Headbutt, knocking down enemies with their tough head. The fact that Stapple has a hard head "perfect for headbutting" is mentioned various times throughout the series.Image depicting the various changes copy abilities make to Stapple.

In Lilac's Dreamside 2, Stapple is the one who holds the Ability Star, keeping it at the tip of their tail. Additionally, they're able to perform a technique similar to the Star Spit called a Tail Swing, in which they throw the stored Ability Star. The projectile generated can have properties derived from the ability thrown - for example, a Fire Ability Star would burn foes on impact.

In Lilac's Dreamside 3

With the introduction of the split up mechanic in Lilac's Dreamside 3, Stapple has a different set of abilities that can be used without Lilac. While still able to Headbutt enemies to make them drop Copy Essences, Stapple cannot absorb the ability in any way, making the use of Copy Abilities impossible. They are, however, still able to store essences and throw them with a Tail Swing.

Stapple alone is much faster than Lilac and is able to Dash quickly across the screen. This also allows them to perform a headbutt much stronger than Lilac's.


Main Article: Lilac

While it is unknown if Stapple has had any friends before Lilac, it is safe to assume that Lilac is Stapple's best friend. They care for the puffball like a parent would care for their child, and are willing to risk their well being to make sure he stays safe.

In Lilac's Dreamside 3, when the duo is separated for the first time, by accident, Stapple shows a lot of concern for Lilac and attempts to reunite immediately by headbutting the rocks that block the way, causing theirself to faint by hitting their head too hard. Upon waking up, Stapple panics at the thought of leaving Lilac alone for so long, but is relieved upon knowing Lilac has already found them.

Queen Bomble
Main Article: Queen Bomble

Stapple is shown to distrust Queen Bomble, even after she becomes a strong ally to the duo. During the end credits of Lilac's Dreamside, Stapple is shown seemingly angrily at Bomble while she apologetically offers the duo gourmet food.

After the second fight with Bomble in Lilac's Dreamside 2, Stapple states they shouldn't be so confused that she betrayed them, and they never trusted her anyway. They regret saying this later on during the true ending of the game, when Bomble steps in to aid the duo in their fight against Bello.

While Stapple seems to have grown closer to Queen Bomble at the end of Lilac's Dreamside 3, they still seem to have a friendly rivalry.

Nebula Knight
Main Article: Nebula Knight

Much like Lilac, Stapple is intimidated by Nebula Knight. When under her presence, the Starp seems hesitant and constantly trips on their own words. Even when being challenged to friendly duels in Lilac's Dreamside 3, Stapple would rather not confront Nebula as they state that "her presence is overwhelming and she knows more than she lets be known". This might imply that Stapple knows something about Nebula that the player does not.

It is speculated that both might have met before the events of Lilac's Dreamside, as Stapple refers to the knight with a certain familiarity even when Lilac meets her for the first time in Lilac's Dreamside 2.

Main Article: PipsqueakCyH5mib.png

Stapple sees Pip in the same way they saw Lilac when they first met - a lost child. While they hesitate at the thought of taking care of one more kid, they end up accepting the task when Lilac shows he is mature enough to help out. Not knowing the creature's name, Stapple names it Pipsqueak, although they only call it Pip later on. 

Stapple seems fond of Pip, and the creature feels the same way about them. While Pip accompanies Lilac and Stapple by floating next to them, it seems to rest on top of Stapple's head during idle animations, indicating it feels safe near them.

In the end of Lilac's Dreamside 3, Stapple mentions that it's sad to see the kid go and they could've lived together with them and Lilac, but having it be safe is what is more important than that.


  • While Starps are a common species in Dreamside, Stapple seems to be the only docile one, as others are often shown as enemies who attempt to hurt Lilac.
    • They are also the only Starp who has a sea-green coloration
  • It is possible to make Stapple upset by talking to them repeatedly on the same spot.
    • This can make Stapple stop talking, providing only a line of dialogue with  "Hmmph..." until the player moves on to a different area and tries again.
  • While Stapple has four paws, sometimes only two or none of them are visible when they rest on top of Lilac's head.
    • In Lilac's Dreamside 2's instruction booklet, it is said that they're simply hidden under Stapple and they don't need to grasp Lilac's head to remain attached.
      • This information may be erroneous, considering Stapple is seem bouncing along with Lilac in most idle and walking animations.
  • A bonus piece of artwork from Lilac's Dreamside 2 depicts a "List of funny things", with all of them being Stapple or parts of their body, such as their stubby paws.
  • Stapple is one of the two characters(along with Pipsqueak) in the Lilac's Dreamside series that is not made based on a character from the Kirby series.
    • While the two derive from the concept of Kirby's Animal Friends, their designs are not based on any of Kirby's friends.