Basic Info

Original Name:


Preferred Name(s):



Nitya-él aka "Little Star", Howl aka " One Who Sleep Cries" in Wolvan.

Gender and Pronouns:

Gender-fluid, Non-binary. Any but mostly masculine and they.

Age, Height, Weight:

Young Adult, 6'0'', 150lbs

Eyes, Skin, Hair:

Blue & White stars, Deep purple shifting stars, Electric blue--messy!



Class, Background, Alignment

Circle of Stars Druid, Outlander, Chaotic Good.


Twin sister, Ishtar (Played by AwesomeAndo)


Sweets. Cooked Meat. Cuddling. Animal Folk.


Poachers, Fire, Crowds, Tight Clothing (really, any clothing in particular, but tight things are the literal worst.)




Born "Essënehta" (literally to be Deprived of a Name) or Nameless. Nameless was abandoned on the surface as a newborn was subsequently raised by wolves. He was called One Who Sleep Cries long after he considered himself a pup, but he doesn't begrudge his pack siblings for it. He earned his Howl. Tragically, a few years ago his adoptive pack-parents were killed by a Poacher. For a while, he was aimless and hopeless until fate brought him back into contact with the other half of his soul. His twin sister; Ishtar. Ishtar Firahel was raised in the Underdark, in the capital of Drow Society, she ended up leaving to find him once she learned of his existence--and their shared destiny. He instinctively knew she had been missing from his life and adores her! He is prone to shadowing her as long as she's not trying to force him into trousers or a city.

Nameless is very curious; constantly picking objects up, examining them, fidgeting with, and sometimes (i.e often) breaking them. While not particularly intelligent, in a book-smart sort of way, he enjoys being frustrated by a good puzzle. That said, he is prone to tossing aside valuable items once they prove not to be food related or valuable to Ishtar specifically. Nameless feels more comfortable with animals than with people, as such, his most-used spell is Speak With Animals. He is an actions over complex speech sort of person.

Rather idealistic, naive, and simple-minded, but not one to be distracted--his visions of disaster keep him tethered to a path seeking to prevent misfortune which is not-easily understood by most. His inability to articulate what he does, or rarely says directly (as he is not prone to humanoid speech most of the time) makes him appear flighty. Fortunately his sister is now with him to provide a more suitable explanation for his strange behavior. The starry Drow values freedom, his pack bonds (including his sister and Party), and the beauty of night and what the cosmos provides him most of all. Protecting these things are his life's purpose. 

Nameless lacks a sense of personal space. It is not uncommon for members of his party to awaken with him sprawled atop of them, cuddling up beside them at meals, or just lurking around them and quietly staring off into the distance in a sort of parallel-play as they do their own thing. Upon leaving his forest to journey with his sister, spurred on by his instinct to prevent the strange visions he carries; his greatest wish is for Ishtar to have met his wolven family. He seeks to restore his lost parents to life, and embue his pack with longer, prosperous, lives.


Guardian Moon Quarterstaff Originally a mundane walking-stick turned necessary tool of survival, this staff was later affixed with a stone topper, resembling a full moon and imbued with great magical properties.

• "Traveler's clothes" A very soft yet plain black slip of a dress, essentially a nightgown, which was a hand-me-down forced upon him by Ishtar. The gown is the only material is silky and flowy enough to be tolerated for long stints of populated travel. Nameless is typically nude*2.

• Wolf Pelt (From background. "A trophy from an animal killed.") This pelt was recovered from the hunter who tanned it. They did not survive long enough to regret the mistake of poaching in Nameless’ Woods. It actually came from one of his parents. Both were lost, but the second pelt was never salvaged. This pelt now serves to bring him comfort of a kind. He uses it as his Star Chart to make sense of the often troubling visions he receives from the cosmos.

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*1 Underlined items have hover-over mechanical descriptions.

*2 It shall be noted here that Nameless' nudity stems from having a complete and total sensory aversion to clothing due to simply not having been raised wearing any. He will wear clothing only when necessary. It takes him a long time to understand why it can make others uncomfortable but once he does; he is empathetic enough to never wish distress upon others due to his appearance and will comply within townships. Once back into the wilds or at any location permitted (or should he Wild Shape and forget them when reverting) he ditches clothing immediately. It is NOT a sexual thing for him; he, like most of my characters, is asexual. Possibly aromantic, however that could potentially change. I just do not see romance being likely in his future at this time.