


Basic Info



Star Trek Species:


Non-Star Trek Species:

Orc/Spring Eladrin specific Half-Orc

Age, Height, Weight:

27 (Or whatever the lineage equivilant of barely a functional adult is,) 5'8'', 175lbs


Green with yellow undertones and dark green/blue spots (freckles?)


Darker green with teal.




Science Officer, Holodeck Novelist, "Digital Detective"

Class, Background, Alignment:

Wildmagic Sorcerer, Noble, Chaotic Good


Holodeck Programmer, Xenoanthropology, Diplomacy, Hacker, Linguistics, Xenopsychology


We are All Stardust, Secrets can be Earned, Stories Save Our Souls, [Redacted]


Mind-Meld, Augmented Ability: Pheramones, Unconventional Thinking, Cautious: Science


Jaazen (Late 50s) Vulcan male, Stolas (Early 50s) Orion male.


You can watch/listen to me play K'Vai over on the Rune and Relic channel(s) [YouTube/Twitch respectively.]  Her character introduction is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Z8yyOWapDI


The following bio/description contains character background information which may potentially spoil reveals from Season 1 of Star Trek Adventures: Intelligence as well as elements not necessarily publicly spelled-out or covered as cannon in-game. 

Trigger Warning: Drug Use, Grooming, Sexual Misconduct.

Born as an augmented "test tube" baby to her Orion father, Stolas, and Vulcan Dad, Jaazen K'Vai's childhood was one of isolation, emotional abuse, and intense scrutiny. Having intended for her to follow in their illustrious footsteps as diplomats to the Vulcan and Orion planets all while setting her up to take over the open secret that is their prominent place withing the Orion Crime Syndicate.

Stolas controls much of the drug-running, illegal weapons trades, and slave trafficking circles within the sector; his general attitudes was always one of cold-detachment and far-reaching calculations and lives up to many of the darker Orion stereotypes. In contrast, his husband Jaazen, uses his position within the Vulcan Diplomatic Core to cover their actions--unlike most Vulcans, he can come off as jovial and is very adept at social-manipulation and is a genius in scientific fields. The two care only for themselves and see their child K'Vai as merely a tool and a monument to their own greatness; they consider her to exclusively be an extension of their own vanities and intended for her to inherit the aspects that made them fall for each-other. K'Vai rebelled against this and upon learning more of Stolas' ill-deeds specifically she became disillusioned with the pair as a young teenager.