


5 years, 11 months ago


  • Hanako Sucre

  • age Young Adult
  • gender Female
  • race Human/Bee Demon
  • Home Ochoa Wharf
  • theme Nobody

Strong • Punctual • Irrate


Hana is the youngest of her mothers children, she was arguably more spoiled than her brother since she was younger. She spent most of her childhood getting into trouble and misinterpreting things.

“Sweet mother, I cannot weave – slender Aphrodite has overcome me with longing for a girl.” ― Sappho, Sappho

height 5'9''

build Buff Stuff

pronouns She/Her

s.o. Lesbian

dob August 11th

sign Leo

origin content

occupation Fixer

mbti ENTJ-A

demeanor Calm

tarot Queen of Swords

element Fire

obtained N/A

value N/A


  • Working Out
  • Race Cars
  • Pressed Suits
  • Fine Jewelry


  • Runners
  • Bloody Clothes
  • Swimming
  • NFTs

Early Life

Hanako usually spends her time bothering her brother and his friends when she was bored, but sometimes she’d just follow her parents around the house and carry their cat with her. She took up martial arts as a kid but stopped pretty early on as she had other interests. She is also very good at keeping secrets, she’s never repeated a secret to anyone before.

She sometimes has trouble telling if people are joking or being serious, she processes sarcasm a bit slower and usually has to ask for explanations. Generally, she would ask Candi for them for fear of being made fun of by her peers for her lack of social awareness. In high school, there was an incident of such where an older boy picked on her for not understanding a joke. Afterward, she went and cried in her big brother’s arms about it and wondered if she had something wrong with her.

The next day, it was reported the boy went missing for quite a while. He turned up eventually, alive, but incredibly injured with no memory of what happened. Hana never asked about what happened.

She got through high school relatively event-free, staying at a decent standing in school academically. Her true passion and skill lay in sports, she took on volleyball and went back into martial arts shortly after.

At 19 she spoke with her father and ended up with a job working at their hotel after noticing his bodyguard Asha. She was willing to work for him but having the chance to talk to Asha made it even more worthwhile for her to work there. She’s slowly been trying to pick up on social cues as the more...unsavory parts of running the hotel are sure to pop up.

In recent times, she’s been trying to get her brother to talk to her. She’s noticed something going on and has been generally left in the dust in favor of her brother’s unknown boyfriend. Hana can't put her finger on it, but she's beginning to feel as if her brother needs to be protected more than she does.



[ Father ] Jordi was the one who inspired her career path



[ Mother ] Hana still comes to visit every Sunday for tea with her mom.



[ Brother ] Hana's always looked after Candi, sometimes forgetting he's the older one between the two. She's become fiercely protective of him.



[ Nephew ] Hana got him a suit that matches her own as well as a nice little necklace, she loves her nephew dearly and wants to do right by him.



[ relationship ] Hanako's girlfriend, she can't help but spoil her.



[ Sticker Dealer ] Hanako has been a fan of her Etsy store for awhile now



[ Associate ] Stevie is semi-intimidating for an odd reason, maybe its the height



[ Cat ] Pet cat with the soul of a murdered mafia informant inside.

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