Saku Inyuasha



5 months, 29 days ago


I feel that the rain is here to comfort me . as it too shares my sadness
Saku Inyuasha
April 5th
bishonen bishes
Japanese American
Deredere moe blob
  • her one true (one-sided) love senpai! and friends
  • cooking bentos eating dangos/Stawberri lemonade
  • 。⋆🌸kawaii/sakura theme/blossoms🌸⋆。
  • sleeping on grass having picnics
  • people reading her dairy and fanfics
  • yeld at/yelling
  • washing machines and heights
  • fax machines

🌸🤍🍡🍥🍙Saku is an anxious and shy schoolgirl who has trouble connecting with people her age and tends to be sporadic and emty headed . But when you get to know her shes really super sweet fuwa fuwa marshmallow, positive / Genki and headstrong . . ( to her own demise ) ( or perhaps just very dense ) She attends Doki Doki high ( a now freshmen ) along with her dear Senpai . Who she has since tried to reconnect with after a year. She is the main character of Suki Eternal on yt . A series ive made with a small group of freinds from my love of anime. old internet core and fan made media . ( and love of stories lol ) .

You can watch the series here if you so wish . It might be a little confusing since theirs no first ep , just trust me and wach this itll all come togehter later. 🌸🤍🍡🍥🍙

  • ♪♫♡notes♪♫♡
  • makes bentos for her senpai but she is very bad at it . Senpai ( username lastname ) is too poliet to say anything.
  • is scared of the washing machine and gets jumped scared by the fax machine constantly.
  • made a Senpai plush in 6th grade.Still sleeps with it.Saku never told him directly but senpai knows.
  • I was always shy to make a "cringe oc" when child but I wanted to and let my younger self know its ok to be silly and have fun and heal in that process.
  • she was made back in january of 2022. fav anime is prob Mamotte Lolipop



Username Lastname'Senpai'

Saku is head over heels for Senpai and is very codependent on her prince sama >///< she was very sad when he graduated from junior high since she would be all alone again. Senpai always treats her so gently and is always looking out for her like her 'nondominant hand '.Saku wonders if he gives her special treatment a princess.

Step siblings


Momo Inyuasha

Sakus step-sibling Momo. Momo first found saku in a cardboard box as a baby so his family took her in as their own. Even now saku has a hard time feeling at home considering how much of ' the favorite' he is . hes a very famous pop idol and has perfect grades yet still is considered the class clown. despite this, Saku tries to be supportive of her bro and buys his merch. When he dresses for drag sometimes he asks for sakus input.



Character Name

Replace the "relationship" on top with what type of relationship they have (friend, sibling, rival, etc). Use the number of hearts to indicate relationship strength. Write a small summary of the relationship here.