Senpai username lastname



2 months, 30 days ago


What would do as the main character?
Username Lastname
Average high school age
oct 12th
momo <3
role model bishonen
  • eating crepes w/ bf
  • planning,setting goals
  • physics/Quantum theory
  • Bringing people together
  • procrastinators
  • forgetting to save a game
  • sakus bentos
  • sadness

Username lastname senpai or “senpai “ , is an obstinate pillar for the high school body and school of doki doki high . Senpai is very involved in the school and its community.Being the school president , member of many sports such as kendo and basketball, he is always there to help those in need.Always lending a helping hand, he has many friends and even his own fan club ? 😱🫣 seemingly the omnipotent , benevolent prince sama of the school, even he has an achilles heel. One he couldn’t ignore ,and someone who was by his side , the vice president momo Inyuasha !!!!! >\\< !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Despite wanting to treat everyone equally and fairly , he could not ignore the feeling in his heart. And in junior year they confessed underneath the cherry tree is a showstopper doki doki ! Explosion!! Overall, Senpai excels at bringing even the most opposite people together. He is kind, enthusiastic and a joy to be around. Its as if hes been running the school for many many years and his very thorough with his planning. As if he was using a guide form a game .The principal is very please to have a minion- Imean study body like him . Everyone loves senpai , though being as busy and ambitious as he has very few time to spend time with the people he loves. He hopes to spend more time with saku( momos sister ) and momo in the summer . Senpai is from a ongoing fanime web series I made , called suki eternal ! So please check it out in this link

  • Trivia
  • Based on old shojo anime guys with pointy chins also senpai club
  • actually doesnt like talking about himself
  • Likes american movies and shows
  • has a very deep secect



momo Inyuasha

honestly could go on forever about him.childhood besties. always been at their sides and it took years before anyone of them said anything.He couldnt help but fall in love with such a goober and he owes him alot for becoming a more mature person because of him who taught him how to love..His biggest treasure though he tired not to play any favroites . both busy ambitious people they are quite the power couple.Favorite memory is when momo took care of senpai when he was sick and they watched mlp togehter .

childhood freinds


Saku Inyuasha

Senpai always wanted to hang out with momo when they were kids. And wherever they went , Saku followed.Saku really grew on Senpai though as he found her hard to dislike.Becoming like a little sister.She had a hard time being away from them because she was often bullied from her peers as she was a big crybaby.his favroite memory with is when saku as usual was crying again .this time sneaking off to go see Senpai.Where they both skiped school and eat stawbeery ice cream together ontop of the hill where moon was not yet at wake and the sun not yet at rest.



Character Name

Replace the "relationship" on top with what type of relationship they have (friend, sibling, rival, etc). Use the number of hearts to indicate relationship strength. Write a small summary of the relationship here.