Churrios & Curios's Comments

Would this guy interest you with art as addon Possibly?

They're cute but I'd prefer something with more pop colors


Aw snap :0000 I could def go for that peep

Coolio! I’ll send them over if that’s ok?

Sending Curios your way^^

3 Replies

Know it only for wiwis,

but if you are ever looking for something else, check some of my art! (if I interests you)

Sorry for the late response! Been dying of a cold,, but while those nyus are cute they aren't quite my style. But tysm for the offer tho!!

sab and fav!! I don't really understand the types of freebies, so I'll say that raffles suit me quite well (I also like "fav this and I'll draw your character", although no one has drawn my characters yet) <:3

candy theme!

did all! more hunger games would be fun lol ^^


Like the previous user sea creatures or clowny bois

gg u won

AYO! My first w brooo--tysm <3

Did all the requirements!!! 

Id love to see more sea creature themed fellas :]!!


Meep! Faved and already subbed!

Would love to see more no-duck owner raffles!٩(◕‿◕。)۶

did all! hunger games sounds fun

Faved and was already subebd! I think more puzzle and troll ones would be fun ╮(─▽─)╭

Faved and subbed I kinds want to see steampunk designs

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Puzzles/guessing !


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puzzles maybe :3

the puzzle ones seem fun!

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Faved and just subbed. 

Hmm duck/hunger games ig

Puzzles and Riddles

hunger games :0

Did! SLUSHIE sound sick tho frfr!!

more puzzles would be great--maybe something a bit more complicated? i feel like they're usually solved relatively quickly so i'm always late xD

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i love puzzle types can we please see more of those? also hunger games!! never seen those types on the acc so im hoping we'll get more soon 👀

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hunger games sounds cool! 

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Hungergames sounds pretty fun ngl

Guess who and troll sound fun :0

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No duck owner or waffle would be neat, tysm for the opportunity!

Either riddle or troll would be cool :00

Oo I'd have to say waffle or troll :00

i liked the switcheroo idea a lot!

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no duck owner would be cool

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Upgrade B]

More lore freebies would be kewl

i think the troll freebies would be fun!!

always enjoy the riddles, puzzle, art otas or hunger games!

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Sub gacha

id love to see lore :0

Faved and was already subbed

I’d love to see more guess __ to win!

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Faved and subbed, I always love cats

Faved and was already subbed


Faved and already subbed!

Maybe a kind of ghosty-foresty vibe?

faved and already subbed!!!

Faved and alr subbed!


Faved + already subbed ^^

Maybe something spooky? 

Faved & subbed.

For freebie ideas maybe Pokemon idk

faved + already subbed! Would like to see creepy ones? Like cryptids!

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Ducks become a really rare, more ducks

And also wouldve love to see more waffles, write/draw to enter 

Also faved and alr subbed

faved and subbed <3 i think the lore ones are really neat!!

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Faved&subbed,please bring us something weird or spooky...^^

Faved. Subbed. Would love to see more spooky ones. The TV head ones are so cool.

faved and already subbed! and i think a riddle one would be interesting :O 

puzzle would be really fun!

I'd like to see more puzzles :0

Faved and subbed!

would love to see more smoothie freebies!!! :3

i'd love to see more guess who freebies. those are fun to see with how people intepret the wiwi based on the few details given :0

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Puzzles and dtas would be fun to see more of ^^♡

def puzzles

Oo defo shitpost those seem fun

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No duck owner, question, or riddle! ^^



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just more raffles lol

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Fav to enter

Fav to enter

Question please!!

No-duck owner ^^


Dtas are always fun


No-duck owner

Trolls! Those could be fun!

No Duck Owner


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silly bunny dta

Would love to see more dta