Rose Riverside



5 years, 10 months ago



Name Rose Riverside
Called Rose
Age 19
Height 164cm
Gender cis female
Sexual preference Bisexual
Species Human; magic girl
Title Ceres Hime


  • Fashion
  • Handball, cheerleading
  • Being a magic girl
  • content
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Rose has always been a happy little girl - determined, compassionate, intelligent, and possibly a little spoiled. She is an only child to a well-off couple, who has always been nothing but supportive to her, even when she at an early age came out as bisexual. She's always been especially close to her mother, and the two are close friends to the point where Rose feels comfortable sharing almost anything with her mother without fear for rejection or retribution. Her parents have allowed Rose to try out anything she wanted, and always supported her in everything she did - even when she changed between them.

It was in handball where she first found herself. The sport was fast paced with a lot of various things to do, and she loved the thrill of it. Having always been athletic, she excelled with the regular training schedule and flourished socially with her team. When she enrolled into high school, she branched out into cheerleading as well as handball. She engaged herself with the school activities happening after hours, and did really well in her classes. Despite coming off a little snooty, she did not mistreat others and even stood up for some at times. This led to her becoming rather popular without really trying, and mostly well-liked. She is active on social medias, and has a bit of a following on instagram. Some would rightly call her a bit vain, and she has no qualms playing up her femininity if it means getting out of doing some manual labour.

Despite being rather popular and well-liked, she never made any really, truly close friends. Even among her handballteam and her cheerleading squad. Rose has always had a hard time opening up to people, which may be why she finds it easier to just be friendly to most anyone without really getting herself too invested. When she went off to college, she felt rather alone and isolated from her peers, especially as she even moved out from her parents to attend college. However, she kept doing what she had always done - being social and kind, hanging out with people and attending social events. She made a few friends, among them classmate Nadie Queen, and Jaina - a girl a few years her senior. Jaina especially became fast friends with Rose, and helped her discover new sides to herself as she was being dragged along to do volunteerwork or spend quiet afternoons in the library.


Rose loves driving around, whether she is at the wheel or a passenger

She loves keeping in shape and working out, and enjoys hikes a lot

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Her birthday is 17th of May


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Jaina Rosenquist

Jaina and Rose became friends through Nadie strangely enough. Nadie would invite Jaina along for some of the parties Rose would invite Nadie to, and she eventually introduced the two. They met by coincidence a few times after that, which led to them exchanging numbers and finding each other on social media where they would chat for hours whenever they could. They have both saved the other as their magic alter egos. This has simply brought them closer, and once Jaina confesses to who she is - a magic girl, Rose tentatively does the same and they start dating.

Nadie Queen

Nadie and Rose are in the same year, though different studies. However, Rose came to notice Nadie being rather shy and not easily connecting with others of their year, and reached out to her to help her along. Nadie latched onto Rose, and they were often seen together. Nadie would sometimes sit and sketch while waiting for Rose to finish her various practices for her activities. Through Nadie's persistence, Rose eventually began opening up and they became close friends. Despite Nadie having had a crush on Jaina, she is happy her friends found each other.

Character Name

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Character Name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris porta condimentum luctus.
