Ria Avonlea



5 months, 22 days ago


name: ria avonlea
nickname(s): NIL
pronouns: she/her
gender: female
age: 11 years
birthday: 25/1

irecel has never been a place meant for children, yet for this little girl, it's the only place she knows. locket in hand, she presses on forward, following the river's current to those present tomorrows.


observant tough uninhibited

extravert introvert
sensing intuition
thinking feeling
judging perceiving


sea breeze, freedom, quality time, finding secrets, anything haley likes


cramped spaces, loud noises, crying, being a burden, apologies

living in irecel tends to make one keep to themself, but not for ria: unafraid to speak her mind despite her below-average english. sometimes she doesn't know when to stop, a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions. keeping it all bottled in isn't very healthy anyway.

don't let her impulsivity and innocent looks fool you, however. she isn't limited by the constraints of mature thought. her course of action, though not the best, gets things done without too much danger involved. better say goodbye to anything of worth before she escapes.

...also don't take her items. you'll never see the light of day again.

I. finding
ria doesn’t know who the second person in the locket is. the locket isn’t hers. it is just about the one thing she owns that wasn’t ill-gotten. she’s kept it…what for, she doesn’t know, but a part of her tells her it’s important, so it is. not like she would have thrown it away either. someday, she wants to solve this mystery; for now, she remains searching.
as a matter of fact, she never steals anything of personal value. after all, she knows what it means to lose something precious.
this mindset isn't that helpful when anything is of worth in irecel. she reasons with herself until she convinces herself it's fine, but in truth, she knows necessities in irecel are just as precious as gems. in the end, it's still a matter of survival.
II. the lost
she used to have a lot more things, back in the house she snuck into every night. the owner was rarely there and she was quiet enough to avoid suspicion when they were. she should have known, the moment a commotion started above the dusty basement she deemed 'home'. she might have had more time to prepare.
a flicker, then a blaze, then everything came crashing down around her. a stranger's frantic search for an exit, a kick to the door and a collapsed body illuminated by glowing shadows. there were no witnesses to her presence there as she stumbled out of the house with minimal injuries: a stroke of luck. was this stranger alright? one moment, a man approached the body; in the next they were gone.
gone? no. she wasn't a thief for nothing. lost and wandering, she trailed after them.
III. the found
she doesn't like the future. not when every day was a battle for food or a battle of wits or...well, a battle. war was coming, and the stranger on the other side of the window disappeared much more often, coming back empty and bitter. she wasn't there to see the violence, but the conflict must have been just as agonising as the aftermath. irecel lost, after all; a devastating defeat. she never saw the man again. a few days later, the stranger was gone too.
she knows where the stranger goes, those days when she does see him: that quaint village in the west. the stranger toils away at the crops without obligation, checks on the wellbeing of the residents and leaves just as quickly as he comes.
now, the village is nothing but a ghost town, a scattering of debris and dust. the day the boy finally stays, weapon unsteady in hand, the young girl meets his eyes for the first time.

  • likes literature and strategy-based books a lot (more elaborated in haley's relationship section
  • currently she's 11 while haley is 15; both are borderlining a different age group
  • Ria means "small river", while the name linked to Ria, "Mary", means "the star of the sea".
    • there are a whole lot of meanings for her name tbh
  • hates being sick wdym people have to take care of her she doesn't need to be taken care of !!!

design notes


135 cm




bit chubby



  • locket is cheap and made of fake gold. always wears it
  • bag at the side is filled with loads of little trinkets
    • the hairpins she wears were once there
  • two-toned hair!! blue and gold
  • her sleeve cuffs are made of stiff material









honestly, she didn't have high expectations, but come on. this boy is horrible at taking care of her or anyone, really. neither of them signed up for this. how does he somehow always get in situations without meaning to? sometimes, she just wants to give him a huge slap to his face.
...okay, maybe he isn't that bad. he's trying, at least. she'll wait as long as she needs; for now, she's satisfied.


a friend of haley's is a friend of hers. halcyon might not be her favourite with that personality of theirs but she's still pretty impressive. during their free time, they help out during her self-defence training with haley even if they're not in the best state to fight themself.

friend//sibling figure

nora acts like the cool older sister she never had. they enjoy bickering with each other for fun and all in all just spending time together. nora takes care of her when haley's away; the two of them get along very well :)

of new beginnings