i love these all so much but festival is especially beloved!! amazing designs as always

Chain for savanna!

Ab1 <3

Closingg!! Thank you so much, they’re all yours! I’ll inbox you shortly :3

Chain for festival!

AAaah so pretty    Ab 2 o/

tyvm ;; ab3 placed privately! 💕

okie dokie èwé   

Chain for sigils!



Closingg!! Thank you so much, they’re all yours! I’ll inbox you shortly :3

Chain for driftwood!


Closingg!! Thank you so much, they’re all yours! I’ll inbox you shortly :3

Chain for Versailles!

ab1 pls ;0;

Closingg!! Thank you so much, they’re all yours! I’ll inbox you shortly :3

Chain for voltaire!


So sorry, I’m realizing now I may have commented incorrectly for the bid. I’d like to AB2 

Closingg!! Thank you so much, they’re all yours! I’ll inbox you shortly :3

Take your time! If I don’t see your message tonight, I’ll for sure be able to get to it tomorrow and finalize everything w you! Thanks so much!