


5 months, 24 days ago


Mad · Dramatic · Sad · Empty
Pronouns She/her
Gender Female
Age + 500 years
Orientation ///
Race/Species Half elf
Class Wizard
Alignment Content Content
Height 5.41ft (165 cm)

Write a summary about the character here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sed tortor ut mi dignissim viverra. Aenean congue nunc vitae velit iaculis, at euismod urna dapibus. Curabitur tristique commodo orci eu suscipit. Sed dictum dictum ornare. Sed blandit purus sed rutrum hendrerit. Morbi sit amet mi non sapien accumsan bibendum id nec est. Sed et purus ligula. Ut vel congue tortor, ut eleifend nibh. Vestibulum ultrices enim metus, sed ullamcorper lorem commodo a. Donec nulla nisi, dapibus in lorem eu, cursus tempus elit. Sed sit amet nunc quam.

  • Axe
  • Teddy
  • Healing elixirs
  • Some coins
  • threads and needle
  • Medicinal plants
Axe Strike

Nolphea fights with a rather large axe, despite the size of it it remains surprisingly agile.

Axe Guard

She uses the imposing blade of her axe as a "shield" to parry her opponent.

Blood magic

Uses the blood of the enemy shed during the fight to control the opponent with a voodoo plush.


Nolphea can use one of her voodoo teddy bears as a combat companion.Looks pretty cool, but it requires a lot of energy and does not last very long


She always has with her elixir made thanks to medicinal plants.

Design Notes

Nolphea’s design is currently rather simple. I would say that her outfit is inspired by a "ghost bride" & "cottagecore" vibe.I wanted to give his axe an air of magician baton, to keep a link with her being a "witch".

  • Teddy
  • Fog
  • Using magic
  • People
  • All kind of feelings
  • Noises
  • When teddy is broken
Artist Name - Song Name
Teddy Compagnon

Teddy is the voodoo teddy bear of Nolphea, she uses it to control her enemies through blood during her fights.Teddy is the only thing that matters to her