


8 months, 23 days ago



Name: Pechueli "Eli"

Gender: Female

Description: 11. A very intelligent Silkwing who is a bit hardheaded sometimes. She looks at all of the facts of a situation before making a decision. Once she's decided something, it is very hard to persuade her against it. She's fairly formal and reserved, although she's able to kick back and have fun sometimes. She's very good at handling stress and doesn't lose her cool often. She is intelligent, rational, a good flier, and good with social situations. However, she’s also an overthinker with anxiety, she’s stubborn, she has trouble accepting help and has to do everything herself, and she’s also afraid of water. She is part of a long line of Silkwings from Mantis Hive who prioritized intelligence and wisdom, as those were skills that helped them be treated properly in Mantis. She is extremely proud of her lineage and feels the responsibility of it. She has been in school since her early dragonet years, and has finally graduated with a degree in Law, as well as a minor in History, after many many years. She now wishes to work as a defense attorney, and is well prepared for the challenges that come with that line of work. 

Jewelry list: Gold earrings in both ears, along with a gold nose earring

Sexuality and relationships: lesbian, none