Preston Dillon



5 years, 10 months ago



Name Preston Dillon
Gender Male
Sexuality Straight?
Race Crysalter
Role Teacher
District NY-3

Preston is an awkward guy who gets nervous around girls he find pretty.

• • • more info about the story is in the folder description • • •


  • History
  • Reading
  • Cats
  • Stargazing


  • Realizing he's wrong
  • Unorganized things
  • People yelling
  • Changes


Preston's rather shy and socially awkward, the only time he feels confident is in the classroom when he teach. He's insecure and get stressed really easily causing him to get pressured and doing and saying things he probably shouldn't. He's kind, passionate and he'd do absolutely anything for the people he care about. He always had bad luck when it comes to relationships and can get very lonely, he just hopes one day he'll find someone who likes him back. Preston cares more about others than himself and tries to guide people down the right path, yet he doesn't take his own advice which is a problem considering how things might have been different if he had listened to his own words.

The beginning

When he was a kid he used to be a teacher's pet and later became a teacher himself. He teaches history and he loves his job. The government is very strict about what history teachers are allowed to teach. Only certain events and ages/years are allowed. Teaching in general is very strict, they are forbidden to give their own opinions about anything and should only be there to teach and not make friendship with the students. Though there's many who does anyways and don't get into trouble cause the students thinks it's much better to learn while knowing the teacher and befriending them, so they don't snitch. Most of Preston's students likes him and thinks he's an awesome teacher but there's a few who dislikes him because he's a crysalter which have tried to set Preston up and get him fired but they've never succeeded.

The organisation

As the others he met with Atticus and joined his organisation (Saving-Mutations-Secret-Organisation). Preston loves being able to go outside the distric walls and feel free and not isolated from the outside world. Hearing the news that there's mutated people living outside the district suprised him more than he think it would. Preston always had a small feeling there's more to the world than them and he was right. But that's the only good thing about SMSO. He became more and more insecure and paranoid, he was scared people would find out or someone would mess up so he'd get arrested or even killed. He found out Atticus child Mars was in one of his classes making him even more tense. Those feeling made him easier lose his temper and become less and less focused.

The end

After a while of working for SMSO he found out about Atticus real plan to get rid of all the mutants, Preston tried to tell his partners what's going on and convince them to leave the organisation but he failed. The only one who were listening was Ethan who wasn't even sure if he should believe it or not. Preston confronted Atticus but he refused to listen and said he was wrong and should be ashamed of the horrible accusations he just made but in the end Atticus "forgave" him. Shortly after that Preston went back to his ordinary life and ignored the organisation even though they tried to contact him several times. Until one day he joined the team again to go on a mission beyond the walls, during that mission he attempted to kill Atticus but accidentally shot Ethan instead. Devastated and shocked he ran away from there and hid in his apartement for weeks in fear of Atticus coming and murder him in revenge. He never came though, causing Preston to always be on high guard looking over his shoulder.



Ethan [ friend ]

Preston quickly got interested in Ethan as soon as he laid eyes on him, he got big respect for him and always wanted to become close to him and become his friend cause Ethan seemed to be really lonely and depressed. When he found out about Ethan's wife his heart broke and after that their relationship started changed. Ethan tried to distance himself from him which made Preston very upset and he never understood why. In the end Ethan probably ment a lot more to Preston than he was willing to admit.


Atticus [ boss ]

He found Atticus very intimidating right from the start and it became worse the more time he spent with him. Preston found a hard time trusting him and always was on high guard when he was around and when finding out about Atticus true intentions he didn't get too suprised, Preston now has a burning hate and fear for Atticus.


Maxwell [ acquaintance ]

They had things in common one of them being not trusting Atticus. They only talked a few times in the beginning but after the incident Maxwell helped him get through the trauma he experienced. Preston don't really see Maxwell as a friend (neither does he) but they know they are there for eachother if needed.

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