
4 months, 12 days ago


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Wait for 'it' to appear

Is it true, that those who have passed beyond only linger
out of love? Do they wish to see us think of them lovingly?
Are they suffering because they are aware that we
are afraid of them? Do they simply seek the comfort of being known?

— C. Lyndon



DATE: 03/16/XX

TIME: 21:52:23

RE: Ghost Sighting

Around 9PM, I entered a dilapidated building on the outskirts of a small, though industrialized, town. It seemed to at some point have been a studio of sorts, or perhaps even a residence (though it has not seen any activity for quite some time). The paint on the walls peeled away, exposing old wood. Cobwebs, dust, and general grime coated everything. Either the previous owners took only some of their belongings with them or looters had at some point had visited the place. Oddily enough, no vermin or bugs could be found. Upon entering the lower level, I noticed dark stains on the floor that seemed to form a trail. Following its course, I happened upon what looked to be the scene of a gruesome crime. It was then that I heard a sound. There was something else with me inside the building.


Fusce aliquet quis orci sit amet tristique. Cras suscipit odio eu porttitor maximus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Phasellus rhoncus libero vel augue ultricies mollis. Aenean bibendum vehicula tortor in interdum. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nam erat urna, maximus in odio id, tempor aliquam tellus. Etiam ante arcu, venenatis a cursus sed, dignissim sit amet enim. Etiam arcu neque, accumsan eget diam et, semper eleifend risus. Donec ultrices ex et elit auctor dapibus.


Nunc vulputate sed felis interdum blandit. Maecenas laoreet a arcu sed tincidunt. Vestibulum tellus tortor, facilisis eget enim sed, dignissim lacinia ipsum. Duis ornare non justo eu interdum. Etiam gravida hendrerit nibh quis porttitor. Nam molestie pulvinar magna blandit venenatis. Nulla sodales sapien augue, ut iaculis tellus aliquam eu. Suspendisse ullamcorper massa vitae commodo congue. Phasellus sed commodo ex. Aenean id blandit nunc. Duis blandit sem quis eros finibus malesuada. Nunc mattis dictum ipsum nec dictum. Cras iaculis sapien dolor, nec imperdiet quam eleifend sit amet.