


4 months, 20 days ago


"There is no try, only do."


Dedicated > Daffodil is a cat who commits to their duties, no matter how menial or tedious they might be. They are hardworking and always see their tasks through to the end with a single-minded focus on said tasks.

Adaptable > Daffodil knows how to go with the flow, how to adapt and change when the situation demands it. Though routine might be nice sometimes, they actually like when something shakes things up, and their skills are put to the test.

Intuitive > It comes to them naturally. Daffodil is extraordinarily talented at picking up patterns and noticing things others might not, sometimes even subconsciously. This gives them a strong sense of intuition, and the uncanny ability to sense when something is amiss even if they can't put their paw on exactly what.


Stubborn > Daffodil is not one to give up easily in a tough situation, and will persevere with all their might. That said, they are admittedly stubborn to a fault, digging their heels in even when they are in the wrong or the situation is beyond saving.

Meticulous > If Daffodil is going to do a job, they are going to do it right. They are not quite a perfectionist, in that they won't be too upset if something doesn't go just right, but they do pay attention to all the little details to make sure they're trying the best they can. It does tend to slow them down a little, and they don't like to be rushed.

Self-reliant > Given the chance, Daffodil would do everything by themself if they could. They are a very independent cat who needs little guidance to get going. However, they are so independent that they dislike asking for help, even when they are truly stumped or otherwise struggling.


Reserved > Daffodil doesn't say much about themself, and would like to keep it that way. They don't see a reason to tell all their problems to someone who probably doesn't even care that much anyway. Trying to get them to share what's really on their mind is akin to trying to pull teeth.

Blunt > Daffodil is not one to mince words; they will say exactly what they mean. The thought of softening their words for others' comfort is simply something that hasn't occurred to them, even after some accidentally hurt feelings.

Pessimistic > They say they're being "realistic," but in truth Daffodil tends towards a more negative line of thinking in any given situation. After experiencing so much instability and strife throughout their youth, it's hard to hope for the best.


Prefix meaning
Named after the flower for the golden color of their pelt
Suffix meaning
Traditional rank suffix
Previous names

Past Clans
Herbalist apprentice
Past ranks

Current Apprentice
Past apprentices
6 moons


Appearance > A golden spotted tabby with a bobtail and pale yellow eyes
Build > On the smaller side of average
Fur > Short and well-groomed

Scent > Various herbs and flowers
Voice > tbd


Breeds: Moggy

Height: 22 cm (fully grown)
Weight: 6.8 lbs (fully grown)


Scars > None
Accessories > None
Bans > None
Other items used > None









  • Agility [4/10]
  • Stealth [4/10]
  • Speed [5/10]
  • Strength [3/10]
  • Endurance [3/10]
  • Climbing [3/10]
  • Swimming [3/10]


  • Sight [5/10]
  • Scent [7/10]
  • Hearing [5/10]
  • Taste [5/10]
  • Touch [6/10]


  • Den Building [3/10]
  • Battle tactics [1/10]
  • Hunting tactics [1/10]
  • Kitting [2/10]
  • Herbal [3/10]
  • Niche* [0/10]
  • Sign Language [5/10]


>> Quicksplash > Mother > Black tabby she-cat with spiralling spots along her side (deceased)
>> Goldenfur > Father > Golden tabby tom with long fur and tufted ears (deceased)


>> Lizardkit > Littermate > Golden tabby tom with spiralling spots along his side (deceased)


>> Name > Description > User


>> Name > Description > User


>> Name > Description > User


Previous Mates
Romantic Interests
Looking for
Interested in kits
Absolutely not
Preferred family size


  • Sensible
  • Loyal
  • Honest


  • Deceitful
  • Whimsical
  • Unreliable


Kithood [0-6 moons] >

Daffodilkit was born alongside Lizardkit into stressful times. Their mother, Quicksplash, had fallen ill with some mysterious sickness shortly before kitting, and Lizardkit was showing signs of the sickness as well. Worried that the vulnerable newborn would also fall ill, Daffodilkit was left with another nursing queen while Lizardkit and Quicksplash were taken to the herbalist den to be treated.

Unfortunately, less than a moon after, both of them succumbed to the illness. And before ever being born, Daffodilkit's father was already dead, a body found in the wake of what must have been either a predator attack or a random Empire ambush. Daffodilkit was alone, left to the remaining caretakers and queens of MarshClan to be raised. That same moon, two more kits - Robinkit and Gourdkit - joined the nursery after the caretaker Sundropsight adopted them, but it hardly lifted the young Daffodilkit's mood.

The nursery then grew a little emptier as a couple of kits, Fernkit and Ladybugkit, ranked up to apprentices. Word of another cat, Howlsun, dying to this weird illness going around reached Daffodilkit's ears. Was it the same illness that killed Daffodilkit's mother and littermate? The same one that Dandelionkit was so sick with?

One day, there was a commotion in camp, one Daffodilkit couldn't help but listen in on. Something about one of the MarshClan cats being an Empire spy? Daffodilkit hardly even knew what the Empire was at this point, just that they were the bad guys and that the clans had been at odds with them for moons and moons now.

Afterwards, the MarshClan nursery started getting a little crowded, as cats with unfamiliar scents moved in with their kits. As it turned out, these were cats from CloudClan. They'd been driven out of their territory by the Empire and were left without a place to stay. Daffodilkit supposed that was fine, though missed the relative quiet of before. Even more so when more CloudClan cats showed up. At least Dandelionkit seemed to be doing better, and was able to come back to the nursery. Daffodilkit was worried about that illness possibly killing a denmate... Not that it was much better learning that Dandelionkit was now paralyzed in the hind legs.

Regardless, Dandelionkit was named an apprentice. Shortly after, left to her thoughts, Daffodilkit realized she didn't feel much like a molly, and talked to the caretakers. They learned about a lack of gender, or agender, and happily accepted that as their new identity, starting to use they/them pronouns and feeling more comfortable being referred to simply as a cat and not a molly or a tom.

The last of the CloucClan cats that had been trapped in the MarshClan tunnels were rescued. Maybe things were looking up. The Empire was still very much lurking about as a threat, though. Never mind the illness that was starting to spread to more and more clanmates.

As the nursery continued to get more crowded, so did the herbalist den. Aphidstalk gave birth to Basilkit and Thymekit, Hornetshadow had a single kitten named Stoatkit with a surrogate, and Guppydawn birthed three kits. That same moon, a couple more cats - Claytansy and Kitewillow - got sick, and several deaths and casualties resulted from a mass attack launched against the Empire to drive them out of the clan territories.

When the nursery got to be a bit too much, sometimes Daffodilkit would slip away to peek into the herbalist den and see what was going on. They ached, they wanted to help so much but couldn't. They were too young. And yet, when Fisherbat took notice of them looking in, he didn't turn them away. Rather, he took a brief break from his work to ask what the kit was up to, and even offered to explain what some of the herbs he was using did when he saw the kit take an interest in said herbs.

More and more kits were ranking up, and Daffodilkit dreaded the day they would turn six moons. They didn't want to start training as a warrior like they assumed they would. Not because they necessarily disliked fighting, but because they would rather help where they felt they could be of greater assistance: in the herbalist den. They didn't get their hopes up, though. Surely there was some other kit more qualified for the role than them.

More and more cats were getting sick still. Even one of the herbalists had gotten it at this point! Not even the coming of new-leaf could make things seem better when this disease looked so dire. Especially as cats were dying from it; Claytansy and Kitewillow, and then another warrior named Mushroomstep. Apricotswan and Hyacinthsky moved into the nursery, expecting kits, happy to one day soon bring something good into the world, but Daffodilkit wasn't so optimistic. Even Waspstar seemed to know he could no longer handle things at his age, stepping down as leader and allowing Egretbranch to become Egretstar.

Wasting disease. That's what the herbalists ended up calling it. An appropriately frightening name for an equally frightening illness. Still more cats were getting sick and dying from wasting disease, with no apparent cure in sight.

Magnoliabird and Periwinklehowl were expecting kits now. Daffodilkit didn't understand why anyone would want to bring kits into a world so uncertain and deadly right now. Cats were still dying. The warrior Hawkclaw was found dead at the Hope Bridge after a fatal encounter with the Empire. But, maybe they were just too young to get it. Either way, life went on. Before they knew it, Daffodilkit was six moons old, facing their imminent apprenticeship.

Herbalist Apprenticeship [6-15 moons] >

To say that they were surprised when Fisherbat named them as the next herbalist apprentice would be an understatement. But Daffodilpaw was honored to take on their new name and role all the same, keeping a composed demeanor on the outside but practially leaping for joy on the inside. They would get to learn how to help cats with herbs! Maybe they would even help find a cure to this wasting disease going around.

Name | Relationship

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- Thoughts here

First Impressions

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First impression

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First Impression

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First Impression

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First Impression

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First Impression

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