


5 months, 24 days ago





Name Cesare Apolón
Gender Trans man
Pronouns He/They
Age Middle-aged
Sexuality Pansexual
Ancestry Half-Drow
Class Divine Soul Sorcerer & Great Old One Warlock
Alignment Lawful Evil

"There are gods, there are kings, I'm pretty sure I'm the same thing."



Charming, eloquent, self-indulgent and ambitious, Cesare is the gentleman's megalomaniac. He craves power & adulation, and prefers to achieve this by making more allies than enemies. He's willing to lie, grovel, manupilate and bribe his way into success. In an ideal world, Cesare would be able to get anyone and everyone to like him. He does a few good turns for people, and seeks to gain legions of adoring supporters through it. He insists that if given a position of authority he would vow to rule in total benevolence. But to get there, he has no qualms about sneaking off to make deals in shady places, or involving innocent devotees. He is an opportunist who puts on a sweet face. A passionate individual, his mood is rarely middling. His anger is fury, his sadness is devastation, his interest is obsession and his happiness is ecstasy. He can often conceal these emotions, yes, but he feels them with an intense strength.


Cesare is a tall half-human, half-drow man with blue-grey skin. He has dark, curly, greying hair that usually reaches his chin. His hair often covers his right eye, hiding the evidence of his Warlock pact. Both of his eyes are downturned with long eyelashes. But while his left eye is a dark cerulean, his right is pale and lined with gold and resembles a stained-glass window. When using magic, his right pupil will glow. He has a beauty mark under his left eye. Cesare has a long, pointed nose that vaguely resembles a pen nib. He is usually smiling calmly, and he has a characteristically sharp, v-shaped smile. He wears glasses with a golden frame and slightly rose-tinted lenses.

Cesare's body is long-limbed, slender and a little wide in the shoulders. He has two tattoos: a tattooed laurel wreath which follows the contour of his chest and conceals top surgery scars, and a tattoo on the name of his neck of a Death's Head Hawkmoth seated within a magic circle. He is almost always seen wearing gloves, which hide a littany of scars across his palms and fingers. He is extremely physically expressive and often gesticulates with his hands while speaking. He has a straight posture and moves gracefully with his head held high, looking slightly downwards at other people.


Bellisario Lazar Favre

Wife :>

Enrique Itzcua

Husband :>

The South Star

The mysterious entity with whom Cesare has made a warlock's pact. In exchange for powerful magic & an extended lifespan, It demands he worship It as a god, and cultivate more followers who will do the same. He is Its favourite (and only) prophet, and It watches over his actions with a cold, distant appraisal.


The unknown god who gave Cesare his sorcery magic. He knows little about this obscure, long forgotten entity. As a child, they would appear in his dreams as a Death's Head Hawkmoth.



Present Day



Associated animals: Unicorns, Borzoi, Spanish Moon Moth, Death's Head Hawkmoth (in relation to ???), Snowy Albatross (in relation to the South Star).

Hobbies: Opera singer (Baritone-Bass), diorama miniaturist, sketch artist, fashion enthusiast.

He has two Silken Windhounds named Romulus & Remus and he spoils them rotten.