Elisabeta of Romania (Else von Thuringen)



5 months, 2 days ago



Else von Thuringen The Dollmaker's Queen


NAME Elisabeta Maria of Romania

AGE ~460

BIRTHDAY December 7th




JOB Noble Lady

ORIENTATION Heterosexual

ALIGNMENT Neutral Good

AFFILIATION House von Thuringen

Else von Thuringen is what remains of the former Queen Elisabeta of Romania. After being manipulated by her sire and lover to kill her family, her mind shattered into pieces and left her completely vulnerable to become his new puppet. She shows no emotion, possesses no goals, and barely can commit to automatic bodily functions without a command anymore. She feels nothing anymore. Else has wholly been consumed by Franz von Thuringen, and only lives to serve her husband until the end of time. However, if she's isolated from the control of her husband, there's a glimmer that her former selves are still in there... waiting...


Else is as emotionless as one can get. She doesn't emote and barely even speaks at all. The woman relies entirely on her husband to do or say anything, which usually results in her silence in a majority of cases. Most of the time, she will instead stare just beyond anybody who interacts with her as if there is something in the distance she longs for. Else is completely incapable of feeling, taste, smell, and will remain this way until the end of time. What a sad and lonely creature.

  • Reading Books
  • Being Alone
  • Calm Music
  • Roses
  • Her Husband
  • Being Yanked/Dragged Around
  • Her Servants
  • Being Spoken To

Childhood and Marriage

Elisabeta was the eldest daughter to a noble family near the end of the Fifteen Years War. Her father used to be employed by the Romanian royal family, which allowed the daughter to frequently interact with the crown prince, Grigore. This facilitated intense maiden training and education for Elisabeta in order to impress the royal family into marriage. She had little interest in marrying this man, but had been pressured into accepting the conditions for the sake of her family. By fourteen, Elisabeta had become the queen consort of Romania.

The marriage set off a crack in the young woman's psyche, giving birth to her first alter: Elsa Maria. This had been an affectionate nickname given to her by Grigore, allowing this personality to manifest without getting caught. Elsa Maria lovingly expanded the family by four children and had been loved by the people as a fair queen. She barely had much power in the court and despite her popularity, her lineage occasionally received questionable looks. The queen could not leave her country and family, and yet she had no clue where to find meaning in her life.

Newfound Life

Elisabeta and Elsa Maria co-existed without knowledge of each other, yet the queen did not rise any suspicion towards her in that regard. Years passed since her coronation and the woman soon found herself exhausted from the responsbilities without any power to resolve them. It didn't help that the tense feud between her and the Hungarians refused to wane; her husband constantly feared that the two countries would fall into war with each passing day.

One evening, Elisabeta encountered a German noble during a royal meeting; his name was Franz von Thuringen and he sparked a feeling inside she hadn't felt before. The two began to meet each other and eventually began courting into a secret affair. The pair would share intimate secrets in a house away from the castle, encouraging the queen to run away from her family. She eventually agreed.

On the night the couple planned to run away, Franz revealed his hand to her: he was a vampire. Their final embrace led to Elisabeta being sired into a kindred as well. By the time she woke, her lover was nowhere to be found; he didn't seek her out in a long time. These bodily changes inside her had been left unexplained and the woman had no idea how to cope with the thirst. At first, she tried to keep it a secret until Elisabeta couldn't hold it any longer. She attacked her entire family, starving and unleashed with power, and once she came to: nobody survived. The court immediately tried to subdue their queen and even her people turned on her; how could someone murder the royal family and her own children? Elisabeta had to run away as a rebellion stirred up in Romania against her authority and crimes.

Franz finally returned to her once Elisabeta found herself lost and alone in the forests. He explained to her that he sired her in an attempt to reclaim the Romanian court alongside her. He claimed her attacks and murders were unintended, but still resulted in the same intended outcome. This is where the story changes. Elizabeta couldn't believe what she had been made to do and in that moment, her entire being shattered into pieces. Franz used this to his own advantage and decided that the woman would be better used as a bargaining chip than to leave her for dead; he then accepted her into his life as his new wife and queen.

The Mistress of Thuringia

Over the course of the next 400 years, Franz has kept Else alive for the sole purpose of boosting his prestige in the annual European Soiree. He parades her around without any resistance and has learned how to control her for his own whims. Now, Else is nothing more than a glorified servant for the Lord's wishes, contorting her body to inflict death upon his many targets. She has no wants or goals anymore. Else has become nothing.

  • Else has personal, attending servants trained under Franz. Not only do they keep her clean and updated, they also function as keeping her trapped in captivity. If not for Franz, she would forget to do basic functions, such as breathing or resting her muscles
  • If given the opportunity, she enjoys a raunchy novel with chilvarous sex. It reminds her of the good days before her siring
  • Has no sense of touch, taste, smell, or anything. She is completely incapable of those functions while under the influence of her husband
  • Should she be separated from Franz for a decent amount of time, Else's personalities would be coming out to play. Bella would most likely have the strongest force on her, but her husband keeps a diligent eye on her even if he is unaware of her condition

ABOUT: Franz von Thuringen

Else's sire and current husband by law. The two initially had a secret tryst together and had plans to run away with each other from the responsibilities of royal life. However, it was discovered to be a strategic ploy in order to destroy her family as well as all of Romania. She hates him with all of her being, but has no capacity to resist him.

ABOUT: Elizabeth Bathory

Else's enemy and Franz's sire. While the two didn't have a personal feud, Grigore's royal court were against the Hungarian royal court. As a result, Else became a prime target for Bathory and the two do not see eye to eye even to this day. Bathory enjoys humilitaing her.

ABOUT: Vanille Gauthier

Else's adopted daughter by proxy. Despite being the official lady of the house, Vanille has priority over the decision making instead of Else. While Vanille has no ill will towards her adopted mother, Else does not like the girl at all. She flinches whenever she enters the room.

ABOUT: Felix of Romania

Else's supposedly dead son and childe. Believes him to be dead like the rest; in life, she spoiled him quite a bit and was most torn once she killed him. Has no idea he's still alive nor can she truly believe it if she sees him.

ABOUT: Maxine Aisling

Else's friend. There is some romantic tension on Maxine's part, but none from the other. Else appreciates her gentleness and will always take the opportunity to spend time with Maxine, especially if offered. Franz doesn't like Else spending too much time with her, however.

ABOUT: Ada Aisling

Else's friend. The two are silent time buddies and they simply just sit together without saying a single word. It appears they communicate without any words, which they respect.

ABOUT: Grigore of Romania

Else's dead, former husband. While they were married, Elisabeta didn't have the strongest romantic feelings for him and didn't really wish to marry him. However, she supported him throughout their marriage and reign, and deeply regrets killing him.