Rhyian Dendoe



5 months, 6 days ago


Rhyian Dendoe

"...D∅ y∅u like being scared?" 
  •  Name  Rhyian Dendoe 
  •  Age  Unknown [Adult] 
  •  Gender  Genderless 
  •  Pronouns  They/Them 
  •  Sexuality  Unknown 
  •  Personality 
    Creepy and off-putting. Although seemingly friendly and open to talking to anyone. Tends to act obsessive n possessive when in love with someone.
  •  Appearance 
    [See gallery]
  •  Likes  Meeting new people, soft drinks 
  •  Dislikes  Bright lights, rejection
  •  Backstory 
  • Calsipher Red crush 
    It's not odd that Rhyian is known for falling in love with people who show them the smallest amount of attention. But falling for a feral hunter? That's a new one! Rhyian's obsessed with the seadweller and genuinely believes they're meant to be together. Rhyian still hasn't figured out how to confess their feelings to the seadweller.

  • Junnie Frahnk Plotted Moirail 

  • Erotas Lyubov Kismesis 

  • Oldior                                                       Close Friend
    Oddly enough the little freak as managed to befriend the big scary bartender of The Villa. They don't really hang out too much, but Rhyian always takes time out of their night to stop by the bar and chat with the lowblood bartender.

  • Actias Wilcot                                              Pale Crush
    Ever since the pair met, Rhyian's pale feelings for Actias were STRONG and OBVIOUS. The pair don't super get along, but they're on good enough terms so that nothing bad could happen. Rhyian's unaware of Actias' true feelings for them.

  • Brandy Voleon                                        Close Friend
    Two freaks that tend to interact from time to time. Rhyian enjoys the Limeblood's company and is happy that Brandy doesn't seem freaked out by them!

  • Name 

  •  Trivia 
    • ● No color on Rhyian's clothes represents their actual blood color.
    • ● Rhyian is based off JOHN DOE from the John Doe games made by Scopophobia Studios.
    • ● Rhyian's lusus is a small ball of tentacles named "Gurgle".
    • ● Rhyian is the ??? of ???
    • ● Rhyian is a Prospit Dreamer.
    • ● Rhyian's birth sign is unknown.