F2U 2person Bases's Comments

Heyo ! Still giving you credit, are we allowed to trace any of these ? I legit cannot do some poses but don't particularly like non-designing related base filling.

aa yes iguess ,, I may change my mind but i'll tell u at that time. use them freely except commercial!

Thank you, so ! ^^

If you ever change your mind and I already did it (if i.. actually do it.. lol) I'll be sure to remove/private the photo/s based on what you request!

sure! thanks *(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭*ଘ

i was wondering what brush was used for these? i love the bases!!

hehe actually most of them were converted by paper drawing, I use CSP basic brush.

thank you!!

These are awesome! You should totally make furry versions of these bases!

I think I'll do it in the next few days (‾◡◝) Thank you for liking

thank u for these <3 i love ur style

Awww thank you!! ╰(*°▽°*)╯

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Thank you!! (/▽\)