Spear Hale



5 months, 29 days ago


Spear Hale

Age: 22
Pronouns: He/him
Occupation: Prince of Scotland and Equestrian

Spear, short for Spearmint after his father Minty, is quite a confident fellow. He prides himself on being independent and strong but is also quite social. Per his fun facts, he's put himself through training as a knight so he could protect himself and his family. He also enjoys animals, specifically horses! His second outfit is his Equestrian suit. Spear doesn't allow anyone else to take care of his two horses other than himself. He's punctual, always making sure he's feeding and exercising his horses at the same time every day. Which leads into his fear of letting time slip from his hands. He's extremely punctual, which often makes him panic if he's one minute late to do something. Spear tries his best to not let it show, but he can be irritable if he's late to do something or if someone throws off his day. He prefers to live by a strict routine and will often have to rewrite his schedule if something new and unexpected comes up. 

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