
4 months, 15 days ago


"I don't belong to anyone, but everbody knows my name"



introverted . honest . diligent


"Headquarters expect me to be their mole and report anything that they might not like. My loyalty is to Nitro... and of course your team aswell"- To Shadow "

Write a short intro for your character here. This part stretches.

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Copycat - Billie Eilish

Push my button anytime/ You got your finger on the trigger, but your trigger finger's mine.

Lieutenant 2







Critical Thinking


Stress Tolerance








alias | Rook

birthday | Sept. 28

age | 28

gender | Female

height | 5'4

nationality | American

ethnicity | Irish American, Filipino

orentation | Bi

occupation | Intelligence Officer

affiliation | D.O.D, Nitro and Reds task forces

status | alive, active duty

Disposition| ISTJ
Key traits
Neutral Introverted, Competitive, Honest
Positive: Diligent, Open-Minded yet Practical
Negative: Self-conscious, Stubborn, Judgemental
Sense of Humor: Satire/Sarcasm, Out-of-Pocket
Fears: Snakes, Heights, Having a stillbirth
Ciara tends to be a self-sacrificing individual, whether it be literally or figuratively. She will work herself to the bone, completing any given assignments. Oftentimes resulting in burnout and extended periods of isolation.

Rook is a short woman that would be described as possessing a 'plump' hourglass figure and angular facial features.
Commonly, Ciara can be seen with her dark, almost brown, auburn hair tied into a ponytail while working. Her hooded eyes, a deep brown, are complimented by her limestone skin-tone and freckled body.
In contrast with all her natural features, Ciara has two tattoos, a small star on her left wrist, and a symmetrical hip/thigh peice of colored tiger-lillies.
Whether she's at the base or on the field, Rook is wearing her fatigues and a matching baseball cap. On her days off, the civilian clothing is typically casual, blouse, jeans, jacket..ect

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Early Life

Ciara was born in New Haven, Connecticut, September 28th, to parents, Griffin Kelley and Isa Davino.
By the time she turned 3, the Davinos would be expecting another addition to their family, Rory; sadly the little girl was delivered stillborn. (An Urn is all they have left to love.) The sisters' death resulted in both parents pouring all of their emotions into prioritizing their living child.
Ciara was most fortunate to be blessed with an, almost, pleasant childhood. Overall, her relationship with Griffin and Isa was been a positive and close knit one.
It's common for childern and parents to have conflicts, for Ciara, she started rebelling during her senior year of highschool. The teen was caught smoking weed, and obviously faced repercussions, but, ultimately was allowed to continue as long as she'd smoke at home.
After graduation, she would take a break year to further delve into and explore possible career paths. Ciaras options included, following her parents footsteps into the medical field, psychology, therapy or intelligence based military role. Ultimately, she enlisted at 19, joining the army.

Military Life

In basic, Ciara met and befriended, Jericho, a man, four years her senior. He acted as the 'big brother' or 'dad' of the troop. Often times the pair would play different card games and gamble snacks with the other trainees.
After completing basic, the young woman spent the next four years earning her bachelor's degree as well as beginning MOS training.
During this time, Ciara was in a committed relationship to another soldier. They would have been engaged, if he decided not to cheat. She, rightfully so, left him and continued with her career.
She quickly became a well respected intelligence officer, earning the code name Rook. A symbol of intelligence aswell as her grounded and straightforward demeanor.
Due to her role, Rook, like many others, never had a permanent place of work. Often times being re-sationed based on the importance of missions.
Later into the year, Ciara would be assigned to Nitro's Task Force, becoming a permanent resident on the squad roster. Although, her arrival would be delayed by months due to a previous operation.


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Colton "Shadow" Hudson

Love Interest

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Character Name


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Contact | Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non.

Contact | Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non.

Call me calloused, call me cold/ You're italic, I'm in bold


Blood Type | AB neg

Color | Yellow/Orange

Zodiac | Libra

Food | Sisig

Drink | Mango flavors & Teas

Hobbies | Photpgraphy, Scrapbooking, Flower-Pressing and puzzles

  • Ciara, a name belonging to Irish origins, means "dark little one"
  • Davino, a Filipino last name that means "beloved"
  • Not only is Rook another title for the castle chess piece, it is also the common name for a species of bird under the corvid family.
  • As a child, Ciara would recieve a laceration scar along the right side of her body. The moment she turned 18, the woman would pay for a cover up tattoo, hiding the long mark.

code by Leporidactic / layout by Togo / artworks by LeonisArchon, LeonisArchon .