Eleanor Nyalamont



3 months, 24 days ago


Eleanor Nyalamont

Age: 48

Height: 5'6"

Classes (Fabula Ultima setting): Sharpshooter, Spiritualist, Elementalist

Fave Food: Baked Salmon


Eleanor is a catwoman setting off into the world of adventuring. She is a single mother of triplet girls, all of which have now moved out and are living their own lives. Now that her daughters are settles, Eleanor is hoping to escape the strangling grasp of her mother and make something of herself.

Eleanor knew at a young age that her mother hated her. She never fully understood why, but her very existence seemed to have ruined her mothers life and she internalized that blame. However, Eleanor is a stubborn person and although she felt immense guilt, she refused to be someone she wasn't. She rebelled against dance lessons, and fought to keep kindness in her heart when her mother insisted she keep others away.

When Eleanor was 20 she began romantically seeing a catman but only 5 months into the relationship she became pregnant. The man, named Tei-ghar (Tey-har), was a timid man but stayed by her side. He built her a house, stood up to her mother when she tried to take over, and for 3 years lived with Eleanor as they raised their children together. Eleanor loved Tei-ghar dearly, but began to have doubts that he loved her back. One night he explained he needed to leave, that he needed to find something but could not explain what. He only said "I need to be stronger." She protested this, but the next morning he was gone.

For 25 years she raised the girls alone. Her best friend, Sharmissa, helped as much as she could but she had her own children to care for (40 to be specific), so Eleanor had to rely on her mother a lot during this time, and all the criticisms that came with that. Her mother HATED Tei-ghar and wanted the girls to hate him too. Over the years Eleanor's mother played favourites with her grandchildren, encouraging them to "be better than their mother." Eleanor did her best to protect her girls from her mother's influence but there was only so much she could do. 

Now she has made it out into the world and joined a group of adventurers! She is tasked with protecting the princess of the country, who must go and make an impact on the world before she can take the crown. Eleanor hopes to find herself as she travels. Who is she as a person? Who does she want to be? Maybe on this journey she can be more than what everyone else expected her to be. Maybe, just maybe, she might even find answers as to what happened to Tei-ghar...