would you perhaps want to do another trade ? :0


would you be ok w drawing a halfbody of him (human) ? i can do a halfbody of flour in return ^^

YEAA I'd love that! and yes I can draw him!

Sent over my part , sorry for the long wait !!

No worries tysm!! I love it! <3 I will try get mine done this weekend!

Icon 4 icon? :> example

Oh yeah sure! Should they both be symmetrical icons?

I could do non-symmetrical !

Ok! Can you draw him? and lmk what I should draw!

Sure thing!! Could you draw him ?? ^^


Hey so sorry this has taken me forever to get to. Are you still interested? If so I'd need a new link as this one seems to be deleted?

2 Replies

Would you accept ocs for art?

Id love to do a fullbody or half body trade if you’re open to it!

Howdy! Are you still interested in a trade?


Cool feel free to choose any character you'd like drawn in the links above and lmk what character you'd like me to draw! We can do half body trade!

awesome!! could you draw

yea i can draw them!

Finished my half!

6 Replies

id be down for a halfbody trade if youd like !! my examples are here !!

howdy! Would you still be interested in a trade?

Ofc , i can do a piece of tarot or atticus !! would you be ok with drawing him (anthro) ?

Sure! and Tarot plz! Atticus needs a new ref

okok sounds good , ill get started asap !!

Sent over my finished half !

OMG Looks good tysm!