


5 months, 21 days ago



Mr. Fear - SIAMÉS

Young Adult
He / Him
No Preference
Silent Song
Dragon (Novas)
Magic Element
Storm / Lightning
Element Color
Mate Status
Voice Claim
Brendon Urie - PATD


Baal is every thing you would expect from a young, bold, and cocky young drake. Confident beyond measure, to the point he will often make rash and reckless decisions regardless of the consequences that may befall others (note he always assures his own well being), Baal is known for being a... tad boastful. Particularly after successful skills in which he will often flaunt his triumph in the face of others, an act that may seem a bit gruesome to others (since it may involve waving about his target's head like a flag). He has very little concern or care for others aside from his clutch sister, Lilithiel. While they are not twins the two siblings are rather inseparable when both are home.

To crown Baal's egotistical ways, he is also very extroverted, prone to grow bored by his lonesome and will often seek others out fro his own entertainment. He's rather charming when he chooses to be, much like his father in this sense. He has been called a silver-tongued devil on more than a few occasions, especially when the involved parties arre those he has a particular interest in. Baal has no definitive "types", whatever strikes his fancy in the moment will spark the embers of his greed and begin a thrilling hunt. He is not a fan of "easy", there is no enticing challenge, no promise of a game of wits and charm. If there is nothing to stimulate his desire for chaos then you can expect this selfish drake to disappear like a shadow in a brightly lit room.

Its not too farfetched to imagine Baal to be as cunning as a snake? Good. He very much is, and prides himself on his manipulative craft. No self-respecting assassin would allow such a valuable skill to waste away. Granted, he tends to use his far too often and against people who should otherwise be his allies. But Baal cannot help himself, he enjoys being a vile shit. Being cruel and sadistic are a part of who Baal is, though he is not entirely without virtues. Friends, family, and allies all see the same sides of Baal, very few people actually have seen the softer sides of Baal's character. Lilithiel is perhaps one of the few, if not only people Baal will ever expose his vulnerabilities to. They share a no bullshit bond with each other, an unspoken rule since the two of them were born. With others, however, Baal carefully guards the softer aspects of his personality behind his vicious, cold-blooded ways. Easily masked by his constant need for instigating antagonistic banter. Banter that can certainly come off as flirtatous if he has an interest in the engaging party.

Perhaps the most surprising trait this young drake possesses despite it all is Baal's patience. While it ceases to exist when boredom strikes, Baal is capable of immense patience in the face of pursuing his targets. Its a nod to his perseverance in the face of adversity, able to spend lengthy periods of time trailing, tracking, and even going so far as to earn his target's trust before finally delivering the lethal blow. That beign said, Baal has a notable preference for slaining his targets personally. Use of poisons, venoms, and other indirect methods are simply not his style. However if the situation presents no other options he will follow through, even if he'll consider it a cop out.

Morals have no place in a clan of assassins. Good? Evil? There is not difference. A job is a job, and Baal will gladly see it through so long as the coin is paid as promised. Innocence is but an unfortunate presence in his line of work and not one he particular cares about, or so he will boast. Its interesting to note that there are no hatchlings or eggs in Baal's body count... Baal wants a challenge, I'm sure.

Baal least favorite word in all the realms is "no". In fact it doesn't exist in his vocabulary, so good luck there. If he wants something, he will take it, no matter what he has to do to obtain it. He's greedy. Be it riches, people, or glory. That being said, understand that he does not force himself upon others and will ALWAYS be the first to encourage greed in others (within certain boundaries of course, what those boundaries are, is for Baal to know and your misfortune to find out).

Silent Song Clan Traits

Novas Bloodline

Baal's dark purple color designates him as a member of the Novas branch. Baal's body is covered in an array of complex patterns in a pale, purple-white gradient hue. Stretching across the ventral side of his wings, brightest at the edges and darkening to stormy tips where his fingers meet at the joint. The markings provide a similar pattern along his limbs, most prominent on his thighs and shoulders. These markings form a particularly unique formation upon his face, bearing an uncanny resemblance to that of a skull.

Beta-like Frills

Baal bears two, broad-finned frills on either side of his head and neck, reminiscent of a cobra's flared neck. They stop just short of his shoulders, giving way to smooth scales before flaring up broadly between his wings, like two dorsal fins on either side of his spine. Smaller frills frame his forearms, heels, and continue in a dual flare midway down his tail and tapper to an end. These frills, including the young dragon's plates and wing membranes, glow a rich maroon ladened with a brilliant shimmer like that of a precious, bloodred ruby.

Spikes and Growths

Crisp, white spiny growths spear-head out along side many of Baal's frills, giving the young dragon a rather fearsome appearance. They are especially prominent along his jawbone, down his spine, to the cluster of lethal looking grwoths that weaponize the end of his tail. They compliment Baal's broad horns, a set of five bone-white spires that crown his skull. The first set resting just above his eyes, arching back into the larger pinnacles mounted between his frills. The remaining three sets follow the line of the dragon's neck, where they shrink in size.

Summer/Winter "Coat"

Like all Silent Song dragons, Baal's appearances changes come the approach of winter. Instead of bearing the appearances of a crackling red and purple thunderstorm, Baal sheds his dark shroud for that of one more suited for sleath among the icy thundra. Pink is a very suitable color. Regal and poised. His purple markings easier to see, softening his skeletal face though his eyes remain jet black and crackling with his volatile power. Baal's tongue is stained purple with his power, regardless of the season.


Storms / Tundra

While Baal is no stranger to traveling far across the land, his home will always be amonst the frigid air of the frozen tundra. He is most at peace during blizzards, lightning storms, and monsoons. He prefers the colder climates but doesn't mind visiting warmer regions and realms, especially if his target resides there.


Baal will always put his job first, but... that doesn't mean the bastard doesn't dabble in chaos when he can. He craves it. Stirring up trouble is one of his favorite pass times, especially if it results in an all out brawl. He's no brute, being slender and lithe in build like most Silent Songs, but Baal lives for a good fight. If he's entertained he may spare your life. He likes to keep the toys he favors.


Coin is a suitable payment for many, as is the glory of returning hope with another successful kill, but Baal happens to desire another source of payment... secrets. Come now, as a dragon whi thrives amongst chaos and impish delights, you surely saw this coming. He's cunning, cruel at times, and delights in holding power over others. Secrets is one such commodity that grants him this power. Fair warning, he's a greedy thing, if he thinks you're hiding something from him... be prepared to be hunted down and toyed with until you share your secrets with him~



What? Oh no, you misunderstood. Baal has no qualms with borrowing things. After all, its just borrowing. What he does mind is when people have the gall to steal from him. Those things belong to him, if you feel so inclined to test your luck, dear friend, be prepared to pay the price with your head~ Especially... if you take his kill. And eye for and eye, you claimed his bounty, so he'll take his pound of flesh. All of it. And, friend? Baal have very good memory.

" No "

Sorry, the simple piece of vocabulary has no place in Baal's world. You know, the one you're currently living in. Yes, it holds no power here, so you best be prepared to explain to Baal why he can't do or have something. And it better be a very detailed, viable explanation because I can guarantee your words will mean very little to him... if he paid attention at all. Actually, I find that telling him the n word actually ensures he will, with absolutely certainty, do it.


I suppose this is self-explanatory, but if not--do remember our dear friend, Baal, is a hellraiser of storms and all things electrifying. Being buried under tons of rubble and stone is not his idea of a fun time. Baal prefers to have the skys overhead and space to stretch his wings. He's not opposed to crawling through holes in the ground to flush out his quarry but he will make it most unpleasant for you. The easiest and quickest way to strike Baal's temper is to drag him down in to the bowels of the earth and imprision him there. Just know that if you do, there is no haven in existence that will save you from his wrath.


Epic Sarcasm/Banter/Deducer
Smooth Talker
Average/Wizard Class
Water | Earth | Darkness | Open Spaces
Earth | Darkness | Brute Strength | Restricted Spaces

Elemental Breath < Lightning >
Teeth / Claws / Horns / Tail
Useful Magic Spells
Basic Poison Knowledge












Young Adult to Current...




  • Birthseason: Winter Solstice
  • Fears: Underground, Buried Alive, Losing his Wings
  • Values: Storms/Flying, His Tundra home, Freedom
  • Myers Briggs:
  • Themes: “ Mr. Fear - SIAMÉS ” ; " Emperor's New Clothes - Panic At The Disco "
  • Shipping: Open




Clutch Sister









