
⇝ STRENGTH - Fair; Baal was built for speed, stealth, and agility, strength, while adequate, is not his strong suit. He will not attempt to tank heavy blows or test his strength against a visibly stronger enemy.

⇝ DEXTERITY - Expert; Baal enjoys picking locks... it amuses him that anyone believed they could keep him out. Or in. Best to restrain him if you can.

⇝ STEALTH/SPEED - Expert; his greatest weapon, given his lithe, Silent Song build, Baal relies heavily on using his speed to avoid crippling blows and his stealth to deliver his own. Or in situations where retreating his necessary, to escape.

⇝ CONSTITUTION - Hardy; he does well in harsh conditions but can only take so much physical damage before he is incapacitated. As such he relies on his speed and stealth.

⇝ INTELLIGENCE - Very Intelligent; Baal is able to observe and deduce details and formulate plans on the fly. It also weaponizes his tongue in irritating ways, he enjoys banter and antagonistic digs. Lover of sarcasm.

⇝ WISDOM - Reckless; for all his intelligence, Baal can be incredibly reckless and, to many, stupid. But thats cocky, youthful confidence for you. Be wary of his ways, Baal always ensures his own safety, and never that of others if he decides to do something that could have drastic consequences.

⇝ CHARISMA - Silver-Tongued Devil; ever so charming, like a cunning snake. If Baal thinks he can talk his way out of something--or into something--he will. While he is prone to violence, Baal won't hesitate to do battle with the pen before the sword.

⇝ MAGICAL SKILL - Wizard Class; Baal's magical casting and knowledge is average at best, knowing a handful of useful spells that suit him in the field. Basic illusion magic, lock picking, and levitation (note: Baal can only levitate small items, the heavier the item the shorter his manipulation time is. He can roughly lift items as large as average-sized books for approximately a minute, give or take several seconds.) He enjoys slight of hand tricks.

⇝ ELEMENTAL SKILL - Proficient; Baal has notable mastery over his element, able to breath fire, fly through electrical/thunderstorms with ease, and is otherwise immune to its shocking properties. While his skills in claw to tooth combat are his greatest asset, do not underestimate his elemental prowess.