Pumkin Pie (Pumkin Crisp (Hell AU))



3 years, 6 months ago


⭐While having been essentially kidnapped and forced into Circe's circus against her will, Pumkin retains much of her former personality as a chaotic, unpredictable anomaly with a taste for death and destruction, though her activities are heavily restricted by her employer, making it near impossible for her to enjoy privacy or free will. She is kept on a leash, and has been assigned a handler to ensure she does not manage to escape or cause damage to the circus' reputation or property.⭐

✨The majority of her performances utilize her inability to die as a primary element; she is killed before an audience on most occasions and is often paired with Sprinkles, whose goal is to catch and eat her before time runs out. She is not allowed to die outside of performances, as she has done so in the past as a means of reviving outside the circus and attempting escape.

✨Circe has attempted to forge a pact with her, but to no avail, leading her to rely on force and basically holding her hostage.

✨Circe altered her stage name from Pumkin Pie to Pumkin Crisp.

✨While she is understandably bothered by her lack of freedom and control, her chaotic personality results in her finding the fun in just about everything, including her deranged performances. She genuinely enjoys them, though she is slightly bitter regarding the deprivation of her free will.

✨She was initially offered to join the circus willingly, but she declined in favor of remaining above the surface with humans. As a last resort, Circe kidnapped her.

✨A lot of her unfavorable feelings regarding her situation and captor are suppressed, as she's constantly trying to maintain her typical mindset and demeanor. She has a lot of wrath and hatred boiling somewhere deep inside her, but letting it out would do her no good at this point.

✨Circe and other performers know her as Crisp or Crispy, but Sprinkles and Skipper call her Pumkin.