André Rousseau (C&M)



21 days, 2 hours ago


The devil tips his hat to me.
name André Rousseau
DOB Sept 9th, 19XX
Gender Male (He/Him)
Height 5’8"
orientation Queer
Occupation "Vice-President"
ethnicity Belgian

code jiko


The wannabe king of this operation. The one making all of the moves on the board. André Rousseau is the current vice-president of the country. He has stayed 'devoted' to the current president, Albert Rainsford, serving as his second-in-command and romantic partner since the days of his election. Little did Albert know that he is a merely a front for André's want for total control. It was André's direct influence that led the president his current state.

Now, things have barely changed. He keeps Albert closely wrapped around his finger, letting him believe that he is the one with all the power, and destroying any opponents in his wake. One particular reporter by the name of Harry Fletcher seems to keep doing just that. There has been efforts to eradicate this threat, all to no avail. Not all pest last for long though, not if he has any control over it.

Power, control, even more power, and even more control, politics, controlling Albert, public executions!!!!!!, pest control,
HARRY HARRY HARRISON FLETCHER!, nosy little devils, critque,

Polite Sassy
Cautious Impulsive
Social Reserved
Intelligence Ignorant
Emotional Rational
Productive Lazy

André is every bad quality you can imagine and worse. He is a manipulative cheat whose end goal is himself - even if it means pushing down others around him. He believes he is destined to be the one to come out on top and should be treated and respected as such. To the public eye he may look like a charming and otherwise 'charismatic' leader but behind closed doors he is FARRRR from it. He always has SOMETHING to complain about Will Make It Your Problem. He's in this for himself and you'll be damned if you get in his way

Which means his anger issues are SEVERE. But this perspective changes the moment Albert is around! All André ever seems to do is butter that man up in compliments. He knows exactly how to work him and exactly how to get what he wants.

Design Notes
  • FC/Model: N/A
  • Entirely formal and is constantly seen wearing the BESTTT of clothes. He's second in conmmand, he'll look the part!
  • Hair is always tidy and well-presented
  • Most always seen wearing that stupid grin in public appearances.
  • Soooo fucked up, he is happy as long as he's in power. He believes it's his own right!
  • Is the mastermind behind MANY of outrageous laws, he doesn't seem to mind Albert being the face of the country... he's still getting recognized isn't he?
  • Enables Albert in every which way he can, just to get on his good side. He really pushes that 'I loved you no matter what!' narrative.
  • Actually enjoys hunting down political enemies and thoroughly enjoys sending people to be publically executed. Asshole.
  • Doesn't mind Albert actually, perhaps he DOES truly love him but the need for ultimate control overpowers it too much.
  • yeeeessss girl drug the president, fuck up the country, do girlboss shit!