André Rousseau



5 months, 17 days ago


Backstory is outdated, Ill get around to updating it



Start your engines!
name André Rousseau
DOB Sept. 9, 1925
Age 29
Gender Male (he/him)
Height 5'8"
orientation Bisexual
Occupation F1 Racer/Mechanic
Nationality Belgian

code jiko


A member and much begrudged driver of the Pasquale racing team. Known as rather snobbish, snappy, and overall a disrespectful man who, by most, is deemed unlikeable and way too focused on his career than he should be. André is by far, a problem.

Racing, Ferrari, winning, competition, smoking, shit-talking, fame, Albert, .....ghigo. I guess.
Losing, commitment, overly friendly people (ahem Ghigo), pretty much everything.

Polite Sassy
Cautious Impulsive
Social Reserved
Intelligence Ignorant
Emotional Rational
Productive Lazy

André was born in Brussels, Belgium on September 9th, 1925. He would spend the entirety of his childhood nearing the countryside of Brussels, much close to the city. Being an only child and much close to his father, a mechanic, André would often work alongside him. Thus creating an early exposure and quick fondness to that which was the automobile.

For most of his early life, this passion of his only seemed to grow and grow alongside with him. Following in his fathers footsteps André, who was well immersed into the ways of mechanics, set off - leaving the birds nest eventually. He worked job to job, making his way around until eventually landing himself a comfortable gig with a small, unknown, car company by the name of Ferrari during the 1940s. His job was to not only work on cars but design and concept them.

He continued this job for a decent amount of time, proving to be a rather good at what he does. And honestly, he had no complaints! He loved his job and wouldn't trade it for the world.. or well, that was until the war ended. Once World War Two finally took it's end it wasn't long till life started to resume once more and with that popped up of a well-known sport that we know today as Forumula 1.

And to André, Formula 1 was like a calling he didn't know he needed. He instantly knew this was something he wanted to take part in. So after leaving his job and thus starting a new career, André was off to the races. He learned very quickly that racing to him was everything, his life, motivation, and his mark to leave upon the world to be remembered. Leaving him with a new sense of competition to the likes of never seen before. It didn't take him long to discover he was rather good at this either.

He officially started his career in the year 1954, only to be quickly noticed by companies and sponsors - leading him into a quick life of fame. With a few races under his belt and a pretty impressive record, André was asked to join the Pasquale team in the year 1956 after the tragic accident that led to one of the team's drivers, Ashley Barker, very own death. And in response to the invite, André was quick to accept.

It was within these years that André would be accompanied with the rest of the team, Michel Marcoux, Feliciano Torres, Carlo Paredes, and most notably, Ghigo Fabbrini. And much to be expected, André was not too fond with most of the team. His harsh and blunt attitude as well as his need to always be the best, constantly clashed with the team: deeming him unenjoyable to most. That being said one particular member did seem to enjoy his company and that being Ghigo himself... much to André's disdain.

It was also during these years where André would meet a journalist by the name of Albert Rainsford. Although he was soon to be proven more than just a journalist in André's book. Eventually leading to personal interviews and eventually even one on one time with another.. there was kissing, and it seemed to be going fine... until you realize just how scared of commitment André actually is (that and he gets around, a lot.) ON TOP OF the clear tunnel vision that was his racing career.

But even then life was finee! With even more and more pressure put upon himself, by himself, André took it upon himself to push himself even further and harder than he ever did before. And he did that exactly in the year 1959 during one particular race. One particular race that seemed to be the one he pushed himself TOO hard in; Leading to his very own car giving out on him, with a tire exploding, a violent fire erupting, and ultimately being crushed by his own vehicle - breaking his ribs, giving him a concussion, and leaving him in a coma state for over a week. And just like that, his racing career was over.

At least, as a driver. After he woke up he found himself in no condition to drive despite just how much energy he still had in him. So, after recovery (who he was also aided by Albert,) he did the next best thing: start his own car manufacter company and produce his own racing cars. Now, with the help of the former teammate Ghigo, who was too nice for his own good, he set out on making the best cars he could. Being ridiculously humbled from the crash and with a whole lot more fighting spirit in him.

Design Notes
  • Very closed off posture. Typically seen folding his arms or standing up straight.
  • His hair is wavy and has curls! Also the front curl on the side of his face.
  • Wears a lot of greens, greys, and creams.
  • His patches on his racing jumpsuit can really be drawn as whatever! IF you want specifics he for sure has an Esso patch and a Marlboro patch.
  • Pretty well built pyschique. Has a decent amount of muscle yet is decently average if not on the more lankier side.
  • Loves to gossip. Gossip and shit-talking are his favorite past times.
  • More of a savory and spicy type of food guy than a sweet tooth.
  • Somali cat coded.
  • Big grump until you manage your way into being his friend.. then he will be slightly less grumpy
  • Most of the time he's either sweaty or dirty... he's always on the driving grind and it get rough.
  • After his accident he's forced to wear glasses to see. He hates them.