Zarda Solamar



5 months, 6 days ago


Zarda Solamar.

"Why wouldn't I like the cold? It makes you lonely?! B-But the best time to be with others is when it's cold..."

alias Zarina, Zorro

age 27

gender Male Presenting

sexuality Pansexual, Panromantic

species Arctic Fox

height 4'2"

build Slim and fit

role Content

Zarda is a relatively unassuming fox. Short and small, he likes to be overlooked. His fur is as white as fresh snow, as is his messy mop of hair, which commonly covers his sleepy electric blue eyes. He is covered in black specks, with a higher concentration under his eyes like freckles, and around his shoulderblades on his back. He almost always wears big baggy clothes, favoring sweaters that are several sizes too large, and typically red or dark grey. He likes to accent his clothes with pops of blue, much like his eyes. He is friendly, and bubbly, but quite shy and quiet. He's quite submissive, even in normal conversation, prefering to listen rather than speak. He knows he's conventionally cute, but still gets flustered when it's pointed out, leading to a thick stutter, and frequent bouts of going nonverbal as he blushes.

code by starsailrvee


art by username
  • The cold
  • Bigger women
  • Fresh bread
  • Metalworking
  • Hugs


  • Loud noises
  • Strong smells
  • Rude people
  • The heat
  • Chocolate

kindness 100%

creativity 75%

intelligence 50%

humor 75%

confidence 10%

notes & trivia

  • Zarda is typically a medieval oc
  • However he works quite well in modern settings
    • He loves genuine kindness
    • He was taught how to treat women by his sister, Snowball
  • His father, Galdrak, was never present in his life
  • He dreams of being able to make someone forget all their worries
  • He wishes he had a pet ferret


Zarda was raised in a village in the north, Barrowberry. He was raised by his mother, Icicle, and his older sister Snowball. His father left them shortly after the little fox's first birthday, after giving him a name which was foreign to the region he lived in. In Barrowberry, his sister hunted, and his mother made clothes of the hides, earning a comfortable living. Since he was almost fifteen years younger than his sister, she was almost as much of a mother to him as she was his sister. Together, his family paid to have him educated, though the little fox was more interested in wandering the forests, watching villagers and quietly sitting around.

After he turned eight, he took an interest in the smith of their village. He thought it was magical how with just a fire, this grizzled old man could take a raw bar of iron and make everything from nails to axes, spoons, pans and so much more. For months he silently sat at the edge of the forge, staring, and eventually asking questions. The smith didn't much care of the little fox, but eventually gre tired of the questions, and would put him to work to answer those questions. If Zarda asked how to make nails, he was taught how. If he asked how you fit horseshoes, he shod the next one that needed it. By the age of sixteen, he had largely taken over the whole forge, and when the old smith passed away, he left the forge and all things related to it, to Zarda. This sparked an unending love of all things metalworking. Smithing, jewelry making, wire working, all of it

When he turned eighteen, Zarda would leave his little village, and make the long journey southwards to Seafoam lesser, where he would buy a little shop to have made into a forge, so he could ply his trade. He has become quite renown for his skills, with more than one lesser duke coming to him with special orders, ones which he is more than happy to fufill. After an incidnt where he accidentally caught a falling red hor nail, he learned that peculiarly it didn't burn him, though it blackened his fur... He used this to his advanatge, using soot from his forge to stain the tip of his ears, muzzle, tail, his arms up to his mid forearm and his legs up to his mid calves, loving how it looked when he had finished.

The story yet to come

As his story develops more will fill

Winter Sounds by Of Monsters and Men

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