


5 months, 25 days ago


Concept and design co-created with AsherUniverse 🌟

Fusion between my "Fortification" Steven (or "Esteban"), one of Fortification Agate's component, and Asher's Nova Universe!

Noven - They/She

• Mute, has scars all over her body. Also, her left arm is robotic! (Can it get any cooler than that?)

• Tall, athletic, a good fighter.

• Action Hero! 💪🌟

• Their hair is so fluffy.

Chaotic, kind, dynamic daredevil.

Noven is an extreme "adrenaline junkie": they love to try out new things, to put themselves in dangerous situations just to get out of them for the high of it. It's the flip side of their being an action hero.

Nova had to avoid reckless activities before fusing due to her relatively frail body (compared to other gems), but add to the mix Steven's cheerful adrenaline chase and healing powers and Noven can face the world without being afraid of any permanent harm. They can go through anything and get out unscathed: Noven is fuelled into chasing that same rush of adrenaline high over and over to feel alive, push aside all the bad feelings caused by their traumas. It's their own form of healing.

Due to being a double Diamond fusion, Noven is extremely powerful.