Katharina Fritz [RDR2]



3 months, 18 days ago



Katharina "Kitty" Fritz

"Touch me again and I'll cut off your hand /
there are some things you'll never understand"
nameKatharina Fritz
female (???)
Kitty; Karl
West Elisabeth
1,75 m
theme song"Burn Your Village"
by Kiki Rockwell


Katharina immigrated from Germany to the US, Annesburg, with her parents and siblings when she was a child. She left home when she was married to a man from Van Horn. Living in Van Horn made her miserable, and the expectations to be a good wife and mother made her nauseaous and nearly suicidal. Her husband slowly turned his mild drinking into an addiction. Both did not hate eachother, but also did not like each other that much. He called her "Kate". He did not lay a hand on her, even though he threatened to do it. They had a big fight one day (nothing unusual in their household), when Kitty went outside to let off steam but tripped over and cut her face. Laying down there in the dirt, outside in the cold and foul smelling air of Van Horn, she looked at the blood on her hands from her cheek, and decided to put an end to this. She could not live like that any longer. She went inside again to tend to her wound, and to make a plan to escape. Which is what she did just a few days later. While her husband was at work, Kitty shaved her hair, took some clothing from her husband's wardrobe and off she went.

Since then she works as a ranchhand: Kitty likes working with animals and working inside a group gives her a sense of belonging. Depending on the situation and her gut feel, she either presents as a man ("Karl") or herself, even though she isn't always sure who she is anymore. Most of the time she poses as Karl. Karl who is never seen shaving; Karl who likes to wash his clothes alone once a month because he is a loner; Karl who keeps his money together to get a real bath in town, which is seen equally as wierd and stupid and unnecessary. It's also rumored that he pays the girls there for a special bath and those rumors are the best that can happen to Kitty, in her opinion. Her deep, kinda raspy, voice plays into it, also.

For a long time she worked at the Emerald Ranch for Eugene Wegner. While there, a new household help was employed: Evie. They did not cross paths very often. Not until Evie was harrassed by the foreman, which Kitty happened to notice and came to help. It ended in a fight between her and her foreman, who was a favourite of Wegner's, unfortunately. She was not put back on the road immedeatly, as her (or rather, his) work had nothing to critizice about, he also was known as being rather calm and collected. This incident got Evie and "Karl" to talk more, overshadowed by the air getting thinner for both, as Eugene Wegner made no secret of clearly disliking them. Eventually the situation got too heated; and after confiding to Evie that Karl was, in fact, Kitty, both took off into the night. While travelling the heartlands they came across an abadoned farm and decided to stay there, at last. Evie and Kitty continue to have eachother's back constantly. The hate they face has no chance against the bond they created.
The one friend with the advice when her friend has a problem. Resting Bitch Face but smiles easily and is also pretty expressive. Skilled cratfs(wo)man. Honest. Spontaneous, adventurous and social, but a private person in general. Has a lot of thoughts but usually cannot put them into words when asked. Not really creative in the general sense, but can get really creative when it's about survival and DYI. Does not like busy cities and having a lot of people around her, it makes her nervous (also she has the random fear of getting lost then). Also what if someone starts a shooting?? Kitty saw a lot of men and woman fall into addiction so she doesn't drink alcohol. Does smoke.


  • speaks german and english, has an accent
  • does not drink alcohol
  • often goes by "Karl" 
  • can play the harmonica
  • can barely read, knows how to write few words
  • worked together with Lloyd on Emeral Ranch
  • her horse is a piebald roan Norfolk Roadster mare, Holstein 

Design Notes

  • freckles
  • scar on right cheek
  • nose slightly crooked to the left
  • Resting Bitch FaceTM
  • keeps hair (very) short, lets it grow out in winter (hair color is dark reddish blonde)