


9 years, 6 months ago


Kareem Nadir 


Kareem Nadir
Birth Name Kareem Nadir           
Date of Birth September 2, 1993 (age 22)
Place of Birth Hartford, Connecticut
Race Genie/Djinn
Gender Male
Nickname(s) Kare Bear
Height 6'3''
Eye Color Magenta
Hair Color Violet
Occupation(s) Actor

Kareem Nadir (born on September 2nd, 1993) is an American actor who has been acting since he was ten years old. He was born in Hartford, Connecticut, but moved around a lot and has lived all across the United States; as a result, he spent most of his childhood being homeschooled rather than transferring between schools. He has two older siblings, a sister named Aisha and a brother named Jamal, who was also an actor for some time. He is best known for his character, Ahmed Malik, on Laguna, but he has also been in several indie films and small roles in other shows.

His hobbies include reading and attending poetry competitions, though he has never competed, as well as watching obscure, foreign films. He is best friends with Lamar Theroux and Teagan McNiall


  • He is a virgo.
  • He ships Ahbridged (Ahmed/Bridget) and Sopheremy (Jeremy/Sophia).
  • He has numerous piercings, several on his ears. He wears a lot of jewellry normally.
  • His favorite TV show is Criminal Minds, as well as documentaries.
  • Kareem has been acting since he was very young, often on-set due to his brother's early acting career.
  • He loves Indian food and mango desserts, and rarely will pass up a chance to get them.
  • He listens to ambient music, and says he doesn't have a favorite food.
  • Encouraged by fellow cast members, Kareem briefly kept a twitter, but made less than 20 tweets and quickly abandoned the project. He claims he forgot the log in.
  • Kareem and Lamar became very good friends when they both joined the show, despite not filming together often. Because the two have such good rapport, Ahmed and Jeremy became close friends on the show. Lamar insists that in real life, their roles are almost completely reversed.
  • His celebrity crush is Emma Watson.
  • Though Ahmed is very skilled at sports and cares a lot about them, Kareem hates them. He finds them difficult and not fun to play, and very boring to watch. He has also spoken out about the riots people create over them and how he sees that as a large negative against them.
  • He suffers from stage fright, though he says he has no problem working on set. Performing on stage or speaking in front of a large crowd, however, would be an issue for him.
  • Kareem does not eat beef, a trait which he carries over as Ahmed.
  • He has claimed that he dislikes his lamp and being in it, insisting its very crammed and isolating.


pre-season 8 hiatus interview with kareem nadir & teagan mcniall