


5 months, 8 days ago


General Information:

Name: Amaan Ahmed Rasheed

Age: 13

Gender: Male

Birthday: (TBA)

Occupation: Student (Grade 8)

Eldest son of the family. He's usually very tired and can be overly sarcastic. He suffers from insomnia and has nightmares whenever he falls asleep, so he actively avoids doing so by playing games to cope and streaming it online.

He prefers staying indoors and dislikes it when they get dragged out for ghost hunting every night.


Amaan lived a normal life with Rasheed and Noora; just a normal kid at school who liked to play video games. He would hang out with his friends more if it weren't for the fact he was always tired thanks to being unable to sleep. Due to the concerns stemming off of his nightmares, he goes to a therapist who was slowly helping him get his life together. Unfortunately, with Dad's declaration that they're moving, things were only going to take a turn for the worst…

Amaan and Noora are thrown into a situation; new place, new school, old (traditional) school lifestyle and most notably, the ghost hunting they never asked for. Rasheed, overly optimistic, drags the kids with him every night after revealing what his job is. With this, it is now their duty to make sure everything on that island is peaceful and make sure their father doesn't do anything out of line.

Random Facts:

• Amaan plaids Noora's hair before school every morning, since Noora does not know how to. Despite this, he can't be bothered about his own bed head, so Noora helps him brush his in return.
• He probably needs glasses, considering how he stays on the computer a lot.

• Actually not a fan of peanut butter, but is falsely accused of liking it because he can't tell Rasheed that Jimmy is the one eating it (Note: Rasheed can't see ghosts, unlike the kids)

• Is artistic despite the appearence. He draws to destress sometimes. 

• He aspires to be a game designer some day, and loves looking into games and playing them for research. He is particularly fond of old pixel games and games with stylized graphics.