


5 months, 5 hours ago


General Information:

Name: Muni (Read as Mun-ni)

Age: 892 years and 1 months

Gender: N/A (He/They)

Birthday: (TBA)

Species: Water hen (Kanbiili)

Occupation: Scholar / Ghost

Spirit of a Kanbili that has lived peacefully on the island for years. A Scholar, with centuries worth of wisdom in him.

Due to the recent rise in ghost cases, he forms a pact with Amaan; in exchange to knowledge on ghosts, he requests Amaan to bring back peace to the island.


Muni grew up as part of a tribe that consists of spirits with an exceptional sentience. He is currently the last remaining member and the youngest of the tribe that once used to be. (More information to come soon)

He has peacefully lived on the island for years until the rise in violent ghosts recently. Muni, extremely distraught about this, seeks to find a solution, but there is not much he could do alone, considering he had no physical prowess. He eventually encountered Amaan and the group while they were on a mission, and after seeing what they were capable of, struck a deal with Amaan; Muni tells him all about ghosts and how to help them pass on, and Amaan in return helps bring peace back to the island.

With their new partnership, Muni possesses Amaan's wristwatch in order to stay close to him at all times incase of emergency. Although since the watch has limitations, his decision backfires on him as he cannot communicate with Amaan as freely as he wishes.

Random Facts:

• He is the youngest of his tribe, last one remaining. He carries with him all the knowledge passed down by his seniors and ancestors.

•He acts s the kids Dhivehi tutor, since he knows a lot about the history and has witnessed it in person.

• Actually likes chin scratches. Must be a bird thing...

• Loves it when people actually pay attention to his talks. He loves coming off as smart and hates being ignored and disrespected.

• Muni was originally supposed to possess Amaan's phone as a grimoire of sorts, but he instead resides in Amaan's wrist watch as a Tamagotchi, since mobile phones are not allowed at schools in Maldives. (Digital wrist watches are allowed, but not smart watches!)