


3 months, 14 days ago



Name Minuette
Age 36
Gender Female
Classification Elder Dragon
Pronouns She/Her
Species Malzeno/Velkhana hybrid
Height 6'8"
Element Ice
Hair Ice Blue
Eyes Gold
Sexuality Pansexual
Occupation Royal Guard
Build Hourglass
Resides The Kingdom


Though elder dragons tend to stick to themselves and especially prefer to avoid run-ins with other elder dragons, Minuette is the extremely rare product of the union of a Velkhana mother and Malzeno father. They separated early on in her youth with both of them being too vain and selfish to be able to maintain a stable relationship. Minuette went with her mother and much of her opnions of her father are tainted by her mother's view of him. She inherited her coloration and her aloof nature from her mother, as well as the ability to shroud herself in ice when the need suits her. Unfortunately for her, she inherited more than her build and physical traits from her father. She also gained his blood affiction and the unique pull of qurios. Their attraction to her blood has produced a unique variety of tundra qurio that withstand the environment she calls home.

Minuette has a strong passion for fencing and sword play in general. She learned most of what she knows from her mother. Despite her general dislike of her father she also managed to study his under him for several years since he is the only other dragon that her mother ever considered an equal. Minuette carries herself with pride and poise though large crowds tend to trigger her social anxieties and if she is not careful to extricate herself from those situations her qurios can send her into a rageful loss of control over herself. Despite these personal hurdles and the additional hurdle of the royal guard usually only being humans or wyverians, Minuette became one of the kingdom's trusted royal guards. She still deals with discrimination on a daily basis though it does not phase her.


  • Regal Clothing
  • Being alone
  • Snow
  • Fencing
  • Ice Cream


  • Stuffy Rooms
  • Heat
  • Large Crowds
  • Her dad
  • Chatty People