Eli'niall 🔥



3 months, 22 days ago


Coverage: Fur, Feathers, Scales. Vibrant colors throughout.



Fire, stars



Inspired by the phoenix and various magical fantasy settings, heavy tones of fire and light. Bright blue highlights throughout, also reflected in his icy blue eyes. His innards are bright yellow, with his tongue tipped in the same brilliant blue. Teeth, and bones by extension, are black.

  • Wings - Seraphan
  • Veil - Cape
  • Wingtalons (3)
  • Plume - Rump


Some would call him gullible at an initial glance, for how willing he seems to be about opening his heart to complete strangers. However, these are always calculated, never giving more than necessary, always hiding what he deems as 'too much' for one to know. Always as friendly as possible, often saying to 'kill them with kindness' when in an unfavorable interaction and only resorts to violence when there's no other option.

Emotional State.

  • Very weary of emotions around him.
  • Tends to hide his own feelings.
  • He's a romantic, but if he ever truly harbors feelings for someone, he'd rather hide them.
  • When faced with his fears, he's surprisingly fast to run rather than stand his ground.

Detailed description. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Donec ultrices tincidunt arcu non. Sed tempus urna et pharetra pharetra massa massa. Bibendum neque egestas congue quisque egestas diam in arcu cursus. Eu nisl nunc mi ipsum faucibus. Ut etiam sit amet nisl purus in. Enim blandit volutpat maecenas volutpat blandit aliquam etiam erat. Nulla facilisi nullam vehicula ipsum a. At tempor commodo ullamcorper a lacus vestibulum. Vivamus arcu felis bibendum ut tristique et egestas quis. Diam volutpat commodo sed egestas egestas fringilla. Diam maecenas sed enim ut sem viverra. Nibh sit amet commodo nulla facilisi. Dictum sit amet justo donec enim diam vulputate ut. Nulla malesuada pellentesque elit eget gravida cum sociis natoque penatibus.

Ultrices neque ornare aenean euismod elementum nisi quis eleifend. Ac felis donec et odio pellentesque diam volutpat. Id aliquet risus feugiat in. Dui faucibus in ornare quam viverra. Dis parturient montes nascetur ridiculus mus mauris vitae ultricies leo. Risus quis varius quam quisque. Tempus quam pellentesque nec nam aliquam. Curabitur vitae nunc sed velit dignissim sodales. Lacus vestibulum sed arcu non odio. Tortor pretium viverra suspendisse potenti. Tincidunt vitae semper quis lectus nulla. Pretium quam vulputate dignissim suspendisse in est ante in nibh. Adipiscing vitae proin sagittis nisl rhoncus mattis. Accumsan tortor posuere ac ut consequat semper. Vestibulum morbi blandit cursus risus at ultrices mi tempus.



surprisingly muscular


scimitar (human guise)

Kingsgall . His scimitar; formed of his talons when in a humanoid form. Gold and sapphires adorn the hilt, the blade a bright red metal Curved; evocative of flame.

Heating Regulation . The ability to maintain a higher internal temperature than what the ambient temperature is outside at will.

Magic . Manifests as a crimson flame with a blue core, flecks a light gold. When enraged, his fire turns a bright blue.


While being relatively sheltered growing up, he's honed his physical form best he could. Broad, stocky shoulders that aren't immediately brought to attention, a barrel chest that maintains high stamina, especially in flight. Despite being a bard, he's almost more apt to have been a pugilist with how powerful his hands seem to be. When in a human form, he dresses in garb that would hide his phisique, often catching those that attempt to attack him off guard with how physical he is.


A tale of love and loss, what was forgotten and found once more. He's shed most of his past when under the eyes of others, and is quick to cover it up when asked.

Hailing from the House of Ferns in the kingdom of the Valley, initially brought for the purpose of being a companion to the nobles and becoming a beloved adoptive child in turn.

I. The Valley

The Valley was a prosperous kingdom nestled between two great peaks. Surrounded by rolling fields and forests, it was formed by a dam holding back a river that originally took up the entirety of the valley, using the energy generated by the water of the dam. In this kingdom was a noble family, one that often dabbled in extravagant pets. Hearing of a species of particularly long lifespans and superior intellect, they sought to acquire one as a specimen. On arrival, they began treating him as if he were their child, before they had one of their own.

II. The House of Fern

Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes nascetur. Felis eget nunc lobortis mattis aliquam faucibus purus. In dictum non consectetur a. Enim ut tellus elementum sagittis vitae. At erat pellentesque adipiscing commodo elit at imperdiet. Purus sit amet volutpat consequat mauris nunc congue. Libero justo laoreet sit amet cursus sit amet dictum sit. Tortor condimentum lacinia quis vel eros donec ac odio tempor. Eu turpis egestas pretium aenean pharetra magna ac placerat vestibulum. Adipiscing vitae proin sagittis nisl rhoncus mattis rhoncus urna neque. At augue eget arcu dictum varius duis at consectetur. Diam sollicitudin tempor id eu nisl nunc mi ipsum faucibus. Vestibulum rhoncus est pellentesque elit ullamcorper. Interdum velit laoreet id donec ultrices tincidunt arcu non sodales. Consequat nisl vel pretium lectus quam id. Gravida arcu ac tortor dignissim convallis aenean et. Porta nibh venenatis cras sed felis. Diam in arcu cursus euismod quis viverra.

III. The Flood

Arcu cursus vitae congue mauris. Non pulvinar neque laoreet suspendisse interdum consectetur libero id. Consequat interdum varius sit amet mattis vulputate. Ut morbi tincidunt augue interdum velit. Lobortis elementum nibh tellus molestie nunc non blandit massa enim. Ac turpis egestas sed tempus urna et pharetra pharetra massa. Natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes. Semper risus in hendrerit gravida rutrum quisque. Ultrices dui sapien eget mi proin. Tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Id velit ut tortor pretium viverra. Id aliquet lectus proin nibh nisl condimentum id venenatis a. Quam adipiscing vitae proin sagittis nisl rhoncus mattis. Nam aliquam sem et tortor. Lectus quam id leo in vitae turpis.


Character Name
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non.

Character Name
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non.

Character Name
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non.


  • Very passionate about his interests, he can easily go on for hours if you ask him about them.
  • His knapsack is often full of books and scrolls, typically illustrated. He keeps it tied around his heel, carrying it over his shoulder in a human form.
  • He's more than alright with strangers calling him Elin as a nickname, but gets touchy about being referred to as 'Niall' by anyone but close friends.
  • Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus.
  • Curabitur ac finibus eros.
  • Always willing to keep him open to interactions and possible connections with others!