Tsuneo Sakonjyu



8 months, 3 days ago


The leader of the networking club. Tsuneo is very bold and outspoken, but keeps his personal life a complete secret. He is initially kept in the dark in regards to the whole Precure ordeal, but joins the team when the rest are in trouble. His Alter Ego is the Pretty Cure of Bonds, Cure Network.

Signature colour is pink with blue motifs, age is 15 (year 3). Tsuneo’s birthday lands on February 10th. Cure Network’s post-transformation phrase is “A network that connects everyone's futures! Cure Network!”.


Network Wires

Cure Networks weapons. A set of wires that can be controlled at will. He can use them like a grappling hook as well 

Digital Connection Boost 

Cure Network’s signature assist. Makes nearby allies stronger and faster as long as they're close to him. He then temporarily channels their power in order to stun the enemy and later, electrocute it. The attack part is learned later on.


Ayame: Ayame was (and still is) Tsuneo’s neighbour for years, but they have only met properly once she joined the Networking Club he leads. After learning about his past, she has done everything in her power to help him be more open about himself and his life.

Hotaru: Tsuneo and Hotaru are classmates, though they’ve never talked to one another until after Hotaru joined his club. Later on, Tsuneo profusely apologises to Hotaru for not standing up for her due to his fear of being bullied as well.

Kanata: Kanata initially joined Tsuneo’s networking club under the assumption it was for internet networks instead, only to be caught off-guard when the realisation that it isn’t came to them. After visiting Tsuneo’s house with Ayame and Hotaru and witnessing his situation at home, Kanata stood up for him and demanded his parents treat him with the respect he deserves. Due to the events on that day and a certain other factor, Tsuneo now considers Kanata to be an incredibly trustworthy friend.

Meida: Meida and Tsuneo often synchronise their efforts in battle. Whenever Meida was feeling distant from the group, Tsuneo was always there to cheer her up and ensure her she belongs.

Rina: Tsuneo and Rina are classmates. Tsuneo has made an attempt to befriend Rina before, and the two occasionally talk.

Ms. Sagawa: His teacher and supervisor of the Networking Club. Tsuneo greatly trusts Ms. Sagawa, even more than his own parents. 


  • Tsuneo is transgender woohoo yipee

Name Etymology

Tsuneo: 恒雄(Japanese Kanji) つねお(Japanese Hiragana)

Pronounced TSOO-NEH-O  [key·IPA]

From Japanese 恒 (tsune) meaning "constant, persistent" combined with 雄 (o) meaning "hero, manly".

Sakonjyu / 左近充

左 means "left, left-hand side."

近 means "near, close, proximity."

充 means "full, fill, supply."