Sugarcane Sweeties



4 months, 13 days ago



The older friend everyone needs


Sugarcane Sweeties

Peppermint Candy

Cis Male - He/She



 Asexual Panromantic

Stripper & Porn Star


 Playlist N/A

 Voiceclaim N/A


Eyn Elks    [ Work Bestie ]

Some times two wrongs do make a right.
Despite the rumors and trouble that tends to follow Eyn around, Mallow still gave the other a chance. Eyn was easily charmed by the librarian's seemingly aloof demeaner. He was also happy to know that, just like himself, Mallow seemed to have a fun bitchy side to him. To some their relationship might seem a bit rocky but to them it's a perfect rollarcoaster.
Playlist link

Erik Elks             [ Queer Partners ]

Yes, they're talking shit about you. The mean girl type friends that tend to be attached at the hip. Met when they were young kids and ran away from both their families together. Now living in the same home as siblings content to make a new life for themselves. 

Dove          [ Besties ]

Every bitch needs a sweetheart for a friend. To Eyn, that's Dove. Dove is the heart of the group and tends to be down to earth. Eyn appreciates her silly and sweet nature even if she’s the odd man out of their group. She definitely keeps things light hearted when they get too serious or dark.

Muse      [ Friends? ]


Having been practically raised together you'd think they'd be close. In reality Eyn tends to get on her nerves more often than not. After following Eyn to school she slowly realizes how much happier he is in his new life, and is content to try and help him keep it. Even if they butt heads along the way.

TBN             [ Work Friends ]

Giving 'friends with benefits' a new twist. TBN works alongside Eyn and they are often paired up in videos due to their amazing chemistry. That chemistry coming mostly from their close friendship that quickly developed over their years together. 

Eric Elks [ Brother ]

Despite being brothers, Eyn and Eric have never gotten along. Eric is older than Eyn by one year but most people mistake them as identical twins due to how similar they look. Eric belives Eyn betrayed their family while Eyn belives Eric betrayed him, specifically. The two almost never talk and when they do it doesn't go well. 

Mr. Elks    [ Father ]

Eyn's ralationship with his father is more than just strained- it's non-existen. Despite both him and Eric looking exactly like their father and being raised by him; Eyn holds no affection for the man and keeps his distance as much as possible.

Mrs. Eyn  [ Mother ]

Eyn's mother died giving birth to him and thus has no memory of the woman. Despite this, he wishes he had been born to look more like her instead of his father; if only so he could have less to do with him.

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Basic Personality

  • Bold
  • Brash
  • Vulgar
  • Trust Issues
  • Bitchy Attitude
  • Secretly Caring
  • Avoids Physical Contact

Personality Description

“Stripper with a heart of gold and a smart ass mouth”, a new twist on a classic character trope. 

Eyn is outwardly very mean and vulgar. However, this exterior is more used as a defense against those who might hurt them. Though they’ve never been the most sensitive kinda person, that doesn’t take away the fact that they still have emotions. 

Eyn really only wants people to want to be around them no matter how they present themselves. They tend to also have issues with trust and through they seem to be part of a larger group, in reality they only keep three people close to them. Mallow, Zola, and Dove. Even keeping Tucker and Muse at arms length. 


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Personality Breakdown























Fighting Style
Eyn doesn’t practice magic and instead keeps to his fists in a fight. Because of his proficiency in dance, his streangth and agility are great assets to him. Of course, he also uses his prehensile tail to aid him when he needs it. Though he mostly relies on his grace to keep him steady in a fight, he still keeps up with the others just as well. 

Special Skills
As stated above, Eyn doesn't use any magic but instead his own athletics. He is proficient in acrobatics as well and has very hightened hearing.

Strengths and Weaknesses

  • Speed
  • Flexibility
  • Light on feet
  • Bad aim
  • Hotheaded
  • Doesn‘t know weapons

Eyn is very light and quick on they’re feet; however, they are fast to act first and ask questions later. They’re quick to anger and even quicker to act which can get them into a bit of trouble. Despite their family being proficient with guns, Eyn has alway been more partial to their own hands or a blade. Not that they enjoy fighting to begin with. Eyn probably could’ve even hit the broad side of a barn.


Health Rundown

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus ut facilisis est. In quis mollis mauris, eget tempus neque. Aenean sit amet massa id felis egestas sollicitudin. Sed lorem justo, sodales sit amet dapibus sit amet, fringilla egestas orci. Ut mauris lacus, feugiat sed mattis quis, vehicula at risus. Quisque tincidunt orci sollicitudin eros luctus, id vestibulum diam dignissim.

Physical Illnesses
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Mental Illnesses
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 Height  Content

 Weight  Content

 Body Type  Content

 Posture  Content

 Sex  Content

 Blood Type  Content

 Drinks?  Content

 Smokes?  Content

 Drugs?  Content

Re-iterate or clarify anything written above here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum.

Anatomical Anomalies

Write about your character's strange physical features here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum. Fusce quis velit vel sem pellentesque iaculis congue non lorem. Aliquam vulputate lacus consequat, volutpat ex ut, blandit lacus. Sed egestas risus ut gravida blandit. In vitae nisi eu mi suscipit semper in eget justo. Sed feugiat dictum posuere. Suspendisse et accumsan leo. Phasellus mollis placerat libero, non euismod diam sodales eget.


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"Quote"  -NAME

"Quote"  -NAME

"Quote"  -NAME


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Warning: This story contains potentially triggering themes. Mentions of Child Abuse/Domestic Abuse/Alcohol Abuse/Drugs.

Eyn was born to the Elks family with a father and older brother of one year. His mother dying in child birth due to complications. From a very young age he was prepared to work in the ”Family Business“. Said business being crime. His father practically running the city he grew up in either by bribes or by threats. Mostly keeping to drug creation and sale. Of course lone sharks and money laundering was not unheard of from the Elks, either. Despite his brother being positioned to take over the family as head, Eyn was still taught to work in it; never given the opportunity to make his own life choices.

As a child Eyn struggled with his relationships. His relationship with his brother, Eric was strained as Eric blamed Eyn for their mother's passing. His father looking down on Eyn for his more 'effeminate' behaviors. 

When he was young his father picked out his outside relationships. Choosing for Eyn his first friend and his fiancé. Muse, a relative of the Elks family, was chooses to be Eyn's "friend". Forcing the two to always be together as Muse acted as a pseudo bodyguard. Keeping Eyn both safe but also in check. His father also picked out his Aloe, his fiancé, when they were children. Aloe being the daughter of one of the Elks' family's longest running business partners. 

Muse and Aloe were not what Eyn needed. Muse being very emotionally distant as their parents enforced the idea that Eyn was a job. Forcing her to keep a specific way to be around him and how she had to be in their "friendship". Whereas Aloe became an abusive woman; growing into someone who wanted to control every part of Eyn and his life, body, and person. Acting as if she owned every part of him. Using fear to keep him where she wanted him. 

In middle school he met Zola who had recently become his neighbor. The two didn’t become friends over night, instead seemingly hating each other when they first met. Zola viewing Eyn as a bratty rich kid while Eyn saw Zola as a judgmental bitch. Not that either of them were completely wrong in those assumptions. Though, they did start to realize that they had much more in common to one another than first believed

They became close to the chagrin of all of Eyn's family. His father, brother, and even fiancé all did what they could to separate the two. Zola giving Eyn the courage to go against the abuse he had suffered for so long. The tipping point found them in high school. Zola having suffered from intense bulling due to her own family situation and her status as the "weird loner" who always hung out with the "crime kid". Eyn, having to deal with the stress of all his family and watching Zola suffer under similar pressures, finally snapped and killed one of the main students causing his friend so much grief. His father was proud. Aloe was jealous. Zola and Eyn, himself, were horrified. 

The next night the two met up Eyn broke down. Zola following right after. After confiding in each other on their situations and mental states, Zola made a decision. They were going to leave. It took a minute to convince Eyn to go along with it, but by the next week the two had grabbed small handfuls of their belongings and made a run for it. Promising each other that they would never look back again. 

Last edited 02/09/2024

Original Code is Frame by   Eggy, heavily edited by   Auccultist (version 1.5.2)