


5 years, 9 months ago


-double crown: common
-eye color: common
-animal features [dog : komondor]: common
-feet: common (paws)
-glow color [pink]: common

Name. Andris Takács

Nickname. (N/A, right now)

Gender. Male

Sex. Male

Age. 23 years

Birthday. September 12

Species. Gleamstic by cyleana

Ethnicity. Hungarian and African American

Voice Headcannon.

Occupation. Works as a gymnast instructor for F&F Lumen Gymnastics Studio

Height. 5'11 ft

Weight. 173 lb

Blood Type. B

Sexuality. Bisexual (prefers females tho)

Relationship Status. Taken (Beatriz by CajunGargoyle)

Friends. Reese (his co-worker who went to the same high school), Tek by Heartzie (they met in highschool and are still buddies to this day)

Enemies. (N/A, right now)

Where they Live. Lumen

Personality.  Andris is an overall chill dude, who keeps a positive attitude. He's hard working and is quite strong, emotionally and physically. Despite his "macho" demeanor he's quite the gentleman, he's usually the guy to go to when you're in trouble. Even though Andris is a chill dude, never get him angry. Once he looses his cool it's quite hard to revert him back, besides that he's also extremely petty and will hold a grudge for the dumbest of things. (Ex. You were 10 minutes late to something involving him, like a date.) He's also extremely shy and bashful when it comes to relationships, which is why he's never really dated anyone before. 

Likes. Relaxing, the vaperwave and 80's aesthetic, dreadlocks, listening to audio books, drawing (even though, he's not good at it--), gardening, playing video games, snacks, rom-coms (don't judge him.)

Dislikes. Getting embarrassed, being alone, people letting him down, disappointing people, his freckles, being the "back-up" friend, the fact he can never get drunk because he's the designated driver  

Extra Info. He bleaches his hair, he has ears it's just hard to see cause dreads, he has a very small tail (a part of it got amputated when he was younger, cause it got infected due to a gash), when he was younger he used to be a chubster, he's a soft boi who hates being a soft boi, he aspires to be a tough/cool guy