


4 months, 14 days ago


  • NICKNAMES Celeste, Cel, Celi
  • AGE 48 Moons
  • GENDER Female
  • PRONOUNS She/Her

Please know my actions are not motivated only by envy

The beloved leader of the Absone Tribe, hidden deep in the arctic.

Celestine is a relatively well-rounded cat in regards of skill. Her best attributes lie in her fighting ability and charisma. Battle and talking, as different as they may be, come naturally to her. She navigates conversations expertly, knowing exactly what to say to keep other cats pleased with her. With practice, she became quick and graceful, outmaneuvering and outsmarting her opponents.

Victory is sweet to her, no matter how far she needs to go to obtain it.
















pessimist optimist

Naive Perceptive

Reserved Social

sassy polite

patient foolhardy







Celestine is a prickly individual. She’s hard to talk to, hard to get close to, and generally unpleasant to be around. She thinks of herself above all, and feels no remorse in killing, hurting and using others if she feels the need to, or if it brings her higher up. She is under the belief that anything she does will be justified when everything is over and that she is deserving of everything good. Despite this unpleasant nature, if one is able to get past all the defenses, Celestine is relatively loyal and holds those she cares about above all else (except herself).

Regardless of how angry she is, she will make sure her tribe never finds out. Her persona is highly important to her. All her negative traits are hidden behind a sweet, charming act she prefers to put on.

Positive Traits
  • Confident
  • Humorous
  • Loyal
Neutral Traits
  • Assertive
  • Prideful
  • Distant
Negative Traits
  • Selfish
  • Narcissistic
  • Immoral
  • MOTHER Edel
  • FATHER Anax
  • SIBLINGS Avani(alive), Estrella(deceased)
  • MATE Winifred

What a tragic thing...

Celestine grew up with what could be called a silver spoon in her mouth. She was praised by the other cats in her tribe purely for existing and what she was destined to become. From a young age she knew that being the eldest meant she would become the next Crown of the Absone tribe. Intially, she was excited until the truth hit her in a series of unfortunate events. It lead to rash decisions, major change in her personality and, eventually, the death of her father. Immediately after she came into power, she lead the tribe with an iron paw and with little remorse for what she did to get there.


Celestine was born just as bright as she is now. She always spoke her mind and was obviously on the chattier side. Though she thought herself above all others, she did treat others with respect, as was custom for the heir of the tribe. She wasn't close with any cat except for Winifred, another kit, around two moons older than her, who was destined to become a Seer. Celestine was practically glued to Winifred at the hip, and they did everything together, it provided Celestine with a distraction from the rest of her family. Her dismissive mother who had an obvious preference for her brother, Avani. Her sister, Estrella, who died from a bought of sickness that struck the camp a moon or two back, and her father, who did nothing but sit and watch her from the shadows.


Once she hit four moons of age, she went through the "Gem Crowning," as did all members of her lineage. The surgery was done by an overambitious Major Seer, who had too high of expectations for his designs. Celestine almost bled out during the surgery as a result of it, but she managed to heal up nicely, while the surgery did almost go terribly wrong, th designs were still gorgeous. The sapphires assigned to her gleamed against her pink fur. At five moons, she accompanied her father up to visit the Great Lynx, allowing herself to be accepted as the next rightful ruler of the Absone tribe. It wasn't until six moons old that she began her training. While she had been so very excited to start, it was quickly drowned by her father's behavior. He was brash, angry, strict, and even violent, he put too much pressure on a kit of six moons. Celestine began to resent him, him and his foolish ways. He had isolated her, berated her, hurt her, and she was beginning to get tired of it. Eventually, she came across an opportunity. Celestine, her father, and two other Seers had gone out for one thing or another, and an avalanche struck. It killed the two Seers, leaving her and her father, he had intended to go and get help, but Celestine saw her chance. She sprang at him, killing him with the same moves he had taught her moons ago. Momentarily, she was shocked, before a cold sense of acceptance and relief washed over her. With little effort, she dragged her father's body to the nearest fast-moving river, tossing him in, watching his body be swept away, never to be found again. She returned home, claiming the avalanche had killed every cat on the patrol except her, and of course, they believed her. Quickly, she was crowned as leader. Becoming Crown Dame Celestine, just as she was destined to.

  • Name Origins ━  Celestine was named for her cloud-like pelt and the way her color resembles the colors of the space and often the sunsets.
  • KIT ━  (Corgen) Celestine
  • APPRENTICE ━  (Corgen Regentair) Celestine
  • Attention
  • Control
  • Sitting Out in the Cold/Snow
  • Cats She Deems Prettier than Her
  • Warm Weather
  • Any Heir She Needs to Train (Malsinic)

  • Strong Speaker
  • Intelligent
  • Cunning
  • Egotistical
  • Impatient
  • Rash
  • Celestine's favorite food is elk, though elk is usually saved for special occasions.
  • Celestine has a habit of fixing up her appearance when she is flustered or nervous.
  • BREED Unknown
  • BODY TYPE Thin
  • BUILD Sleek and tall
  • HEIGHT 15 inches
  • SEX/DSAB Female
  • SCARS None
  • SCENT A generally sweet, warm scent, tinged with pine
  • PELT COLOUR A mix of pinks, purples and creams
  • FUR SHAPE Generally sleek minus her tail and tufts of fur that are very curly
  • EYES COLOUR Sapphire blue
  • WEIGHT 14 lbs
  • DESIGNER IAmQuadratus
  • WORTH $90-$120

Character Overview:

Celestine is generally considered a gorgeous cat, admired for her sleek, flowing fur and the unique positioning of her gems. Everything about her appearance is meticulously maintained, and she takes great care in keeping up with it. Hours of her day are spent grooming her fur, shaping it, making herself look as presentable as possible. Though, many doubt she could ever look anything other than presentable. Celestine carries herself with an air of confidence, she never falters and walks with her head held proudly. Each step is meticulous and graceful, she never trips, or at least never in the view of any of her tribemates. Her position combined with her attitude often make her feared within Absone.

No cat is allowed to rival her beauty. They will be dealt with.

 relationship -

Celestine despises that man with every ounce in her. She holds no remorse in her body for killing him other than the prospect that she may be caught. Either way, it was better to be rid of him. She considers him a liar, and moreover, a fraud, he did not deserve his position or how highly the tribe praised him.

 relationship -

Winifred is one of the few cats Celestine has any positive feelings towards. Her and Winifred have known one another since they were kits, and became mates further along into their adulthood. Celestine holds Winifred as priority over any other cat, aside from herself, and even then, Celestine may still choose her dear Winnie.