Edin Heinäluoma



4 months, 9 days ago

Basic Info


Edin Heinäluoma

Age (at prime)









Edin Heinäluoma is the drummer and vocalist of Rigormortis. He was originally born in a remote countryside of Finland in 1978. Growing up in his homeland he lived of the farm with his parents and two younger siblings and during this point in his life, he would occasionally work on the farm alongside his father helping with livestock, harvesting and growing crops, repair farm machinery and such all while attending school. Aside from working on the farmland, on his spare time he would listen to 80's metal and rock bands on his messed up tape player, and dabble on his drums that he has played since he was little. This is where he had only ever played in 2-3 bands, but the bands never really worked out and were short-lived later on. His journey from listening to along of old rock and metal has stemmed of to being a big fanatic on deathcore, old school death metal, brutal death metal, goregrind, slam, all of that (he became a fanatic after he'd go to record stores, skimming and buying records with his peers). Edin would move to the United States at the age of 15 to pursue more in his musical endeavors and find better opportunities, and he’d meet Brim at the high school he was attending. Him and Brim would hangout a lot during their high school years, getting themselves into shenanigans like skipping school at times, stealing old cars late at night, trying to get with the girls at school (but this would be more of Edin’s thing), and all that crap.

Edin would always be seen as menacing in a way that you wouldn't want talk to or even mess with (because of his appearance), but really he is bright and willing to get along with others once you get to know the guy. He's also known for getting himself into mischief and being very stubborn all the time as well (especially at times where he and Diosa would get into arguments about situations where they were serious or not), but has completely changed that demeanor. Concerning Rigormortis, he is fully dedicated to his work and is direct in what he wants the band to sound like. Even if it doesn't come out to how he initially wants it, he always wants to be sure that the music is on point and doesn't suck ass (otherwise it if is that terrible, he scraps everything into the trash and will literally start over again).

When Edin first knew the whereabouts of Kieveit (by memorabilia and attending some of their shows), he did become close with the band. Yeah sure, he was already fond of Brim before this whole band assembled, but he started to become particularly close to Hellen, much so that they became really good friends and hanged out from time to time. And since they were close like that, he would even ask her to play guitars whenever Rigormortis performs live (since Diosa cannot play both bass and guitars at the same time, y'know?).


- Although Edin is a big fan of death metal and such, he does favor Disturbed. So much that he got the same piercings just like the vocalist of the band.

- He's not too much of a fan of black metal though, but does have a few exceptions, one of them being Kieveit surprisingly. 

- His favorite snack to have is surullitos (Diosa makes them for him). He's really addicted to them! ^.^


Slim built, has what appears to be grayish blue eyes and fluffy blond hair going down to his shoulder blades. He maintains a goatee and adorns himself with dolphin bites and a medusa above his upper lip to go with it. He has a handful of tattoos scattered across his body [i.e., Finnish lion, hannunvaakuna, Chaos star (fucking WARHAMMERRR), and Celtic wheel cross].