Brim Lindgren



4 months, 28 days ago

Basic Info


Brim Lindgren

Age (at prime):








Aliases (other titles):

Getbalsamerare (Ziegenblod/Liechensektion), Digerdöden (Kieveit)


Brim Lindgren is the drummer for Kieveit. He was born in 1980 on the western countryside of Sweden, but later on, him and his parents moved to the United States (specifically in Brooklyn, NY) in his preteen. At first glance, it would appear to be the type of person that you'd never want to approach since he's literally a tree (he's 6'2"), has a very loathsome expression and overall a very intimidating individual. But once you get a connection going, he has a compassionate heart and easy to get along with. Brim growing up would take part in a total of 11 short-lived bands in his mid to late teenage years as mainly the drummer, but at one point he did attempt to play guitar (he wasn't the greatest at it btw). Around high school and being in and out of bands, he would meet and be close friends with Svenn; who would shared similar interests in music, hobbies and personal stances in general. 

Brim has shown an interest in cooking (especially foods made when he was a child back in Sweden), old cars, weaponry, and hiking in the woods (mostly whenever it snows). He's a very bright individual and typically acts like the "mom" out of the band: looking out for them, cooking and cleaning up after them, so on and so forth. He would become invested in mechanical work, so much that he's taken a job as an automotive mechanic while being in the band, and after when it disbanded.

Fun Facts :D

- He can also be a bit too clingy, clumsy, and loud when wasted and spurts out the inner Swede in him. And when he drinks he drinks A LOT, to a point where he ends up taking the longest pisses ever (give put this man in the guinness book of world record please, because he really does take a long time to piss).

- Along side Hellen, who has her weird monstrous looking guitar "Unity", this can be said the same for Brim. He has a monstrous looking 70's Chevy van, which has the same lookalike as Hellen guitar as stated before, but the interior is the same as any other 70's Chevy van. 

- In a bestial war metal (later goregrind) project with Typhus, called Ziegenblod. Goes by Getbalsamerare (“Get” swedish for “goat”, “Balsamerare” swedish for “embalmer”).

- Brim has a significant other, Frankie. They've been together since 2001, and they eventually get married and have 3 children later on.

Long dirty blonde hair (down to his rear), with a thin braid along his left side. He has grayish blue eyes, hooked nose, a rather long face shape with somewhat prominent cheek bones, a chin beard to go with it and has piercings on both ears as well.