
4 months, 20 days ago



Name: Aero

Theme: the guardian of the sea

Category: imaginary

Type: Folklorical

Number of Tails: 9

Badges: 4

Current job / role:


Personality: loud, cheerful, air-headed sometimes.

Background: Aero worked at a shrine with his twin brother chilsa. Aero loved his job dearly, but as time went on he became bored of the same job over and over. So he decided to travel and find his fortune.

He eventually settled down on an island, and worked for a sea god instead. The people of the island had been living on harsh times, and aero proved to be a blessing in disguise. He helped the people with their crops and protected the seas around the island from wrongdoers who would try to hurt his people.

Eventually, the god of the sea left, and aero was made a god in his place. He tried to help the people as best he could, but there was only so much he could do.

The people became greedy and lazy, and forgot their saviour, which upset aero. He tried to help them as they got lazier, but he was at his breaking point.

One day, a tsunami rolled in and destroyed most of the island. The people took it as a sign from the gods, and tried to appeal to aero's good side, but it was too little too late. They had to leave, and so did aero. He left with a heavy heart and a mission to find his brother. Hopefully it wasn't as bad for him.

During the Dream: the sea god appeared to him once more, sporting silvery wings. He spoke to aero, and he heard the words "guardian of seas. Silver wings arise. Find your brother of rainbow feathers". The dream began to fade, as aero remembered the sea, and the feathers of silver.

After the Dream: aero awoke on the mountain, and looked about. He made his way to a lake, as he felt an urge to find water as quickly as possible. He was surprised to see that he had changed to look like the sea god in some aspects. He decided to make his way to the castle he saw to get some answers. On his way, he met an orange kitsunegami, who looked and sounded very familiar. It took him a moment, but he recognised his twin brother, and a tearful reunion occurred soon after.


Body badge 1 (first reaction)

body badge 2 (sleeping position)

Mind badge 1 (memories)

Mind badge 2 (inherent magic)

Heart badge 1 (relationships diagram)

Heart badge 2 (thrill)

Spirit badge 1 (sanctuary)

spirit badge 2 (transcending)


Chilsa- twin brother. Aero and chilsa are nigh unseperable. They have a deep brotherly love for each other that cannot be shattered by anything. 

galle, Stormm, Terran - these three are disciples of the god that aero replaced, and pretty much became. they have come a long way to find their master.

Rrosa- sister of aero's disciples. aero and her are on good terms


LEGENDARY: colour changing

RARE:mythical's tail extension

legendary themed halo (sign means torrent)





Aero's inherent magic is illusions. 


Aero has a small collection of beetles that live in an enclosure made out of a small garden space outside his room. His first (and main) pet is a small jewel beetle by the name of peanut. Peanut has been gifted the ability to age slower than usual thanks to shenanigans by several Kami Kitsunegamis



Sanctuary (if applicable):

aero's sanctuary lies in a cave at the base of a mountain. prayers and offerings are given for safe travels through the seas.

General facts:

aero becomes a little more aggressive in his alternate colours, which is a rather strange trait for him, as he is usually mellow and calm.

his nickname is "Silverwing" due to his past occupation, and his silvery fur.

his favourite season is summer, due to the heat, and it being the perfect time to go down to the water.

aero wishes to see his three disciples again, as he thought of them as his own children

Human form:

Aero's human form was made by the ever amazing Selvarr 

Kitsunegamis are open species by ZauriArt