Dorian Veselovsky



4 months, 7 days ago



WARNINGS: sexual assault/r*pe, toxic relationships, bullying
name dorian veselovsky
age 21
gender cis male
pronouns he/him
orientation ???
status taken (mykha)

A wolf in sheep's clothing.

dorian is a people-pleaser who likes to appear unassuming and polite. he dumbs himself down to make people underestimate him, self-aware of his own appearance and what people may assume from it. he's often mistaken as a girl, so he pretends to be ‘sweet’ and ‘caring’ like a stereotype of femininity to encourage an ‘innocent’ image.

secretly, dorian has a heated temper and hates most people around him. He hates when people look down on him - even though he knows it's better for his overall goal - and despises those he calls ‘idiots’. he holds a grudge and makes it his aim in life to exert total control over everything in his power so that he can never be hurt again.

incredibly smart and with an uncanny ability to read people, dorian has a high emotional intelligence and uses it to analyse and predict people. this gives him more leverage of control over those he keeps in his life. speaking of, dorian has noticed lately that someone from his high school has been following him from a distance, and his things have been going missing… perhaps, if his susipcions are correct, he can use this.

emotional intelligence
physical strength
  • voice claim: mikitaka hazekura (jjba dub)
  • russian heritage on his father's side, but none of his family can speak russian.
  • likes butterflies, knows a lot of little fun facts and owns a lot of clothes with butterflies on.
  • is allowing his hair to grow back; permits mykha to touch it, but not anyone else. similarly, the only person he doesn't completely hate physical contact from is mykha.
  • barely pays attention to lectures/seminars but is still able to get good grades - begrudgingly helps mykha study when he needs it (if mykha gets kicked out, dorian no longer has a bodyguard).
  • 5'6, 58kg.
  • doesn't have a lot of physical strength, lithe and skinny body type - freckled.
  • lots of butterflies on his design; any clothes will have butterflies.
  • hair is very fluffy and is being slowly grown out; 3-toned.
  • green/yellow eyes take darker shades when dorian's 'true' side is shown; simply artistic liberty.

dorian had always heard people say he looked like a girl ever since he was a child, and it had never really bothered him until high school where he was bullied for it. from the moment he first attended, dorian was insulted, mocked and ridiculed for his appearance - though he never changed it. he liked how he looked. however, as they grew into their teenage years, dorian's bullies began taking on more sexual tactics of bullying - seeing dorian as 'female enough' - until it reached the point of no return.

after this event, dorian had cut all his hair off; while he still appeared feminine, his short hair helped him feel a little more in control. that small bit of desire for control grew and grew as dorian's silent bitterness and anger over the situation grew too. after it happened multiple times, dorian snapped and decided he needed total control of everything in his life as to make sure he could never be hurt in that way again. to start this, he changed schools.

dorian moved high schools, and immediately assessed the group who would pose his biggest threat. he befriended them by following their ideals and beliefs and would mimic what they said and did to avoid being targeted. however in doing so, dorian failed to notice that he had 'saved' one of the bullied victims of the group. mykha and dorian, despite being in the same year, rarely interacted - dorian thought of mykha as a coward and a loser, and avoided him out of a fear that he would be targeted by associating with him.

what dorian didn't notice was that while he was busy 'conforming' and analysing everyone around him (to the point of paranoia), he was being obsessively stalked. after high school and college ended, dorian decided to take a gap year.

veritas university was where dorian attended next, studying psychology. he, naturally, held a grudge for the treatment he received in his first high school and had vowed to get revenge on the perpetrators, but he wasn't sure how to go about doing so. successfully in control of everything he had the power to be in control of, dorian had been content... until he noticed his things going missing. his door being unlocked when he came home. rather than being scared, dorian was furious.

it was embarrassingly easy to figure out who his stalker was. mykha jun, the loser from his high school. after looking at mykha for more than a second it was obvious he was in love with dorian, and dorian realised this was something he could exploit. his main goal being temporarily on hold, he confessed to mykha and the two got together - dorian's plan being to break up with mykha to leave the guy heartbroken. however, upon spending more time together, dorian had realised the extent of mykha's loyalty. all it took was fake words of affection and the slightest of contact, and mykha would do whatever he said. dorian could use this. his revenge plan was back in action.

I love you, Mykha~