


3 months, 2 days ago



Name Corydan Daniel Jolsen
Nicknames 'Daniel'
Gender Male
Age 29 years
Race Garmr
Orientation Pansexual
Height 5'8"
Weight 215 lbs
Affiliation None
Past Affiliations Mana Pack
Parents Akaela & Delevan
Love None
Kids None
Voice Penn Badgley
Alignment Chaotic Evil
Themes Playlist

To outsiders, Corydan comes off as polite. He’s animated and is rather amicable. Some would even call him charming. He knows what to say and when to say it. For a garmr he’s adept at social cues, blending in well with society. Conversations come easy for him and there’s never truly an awkward moment. If one is truly observant, however, they'll find his disposition to be a little bit too sickenly sweet, which is a fair revelation because it’s all a fine-tuned facade.

For those that truly know Corydan they’ll see an entirely different person. His outlook on the world is rather pessimistic. He finds most individuals a nuisance, very few are tolerable for him, and even rarer are the ones he’d never admit to enjoying the company of. There’s a general lack of empathy; most of the time he comes off cold and indifferent. Corydan can be rather manipulative. He has no qualms about using someone's emotions against them and takes pride in the fact that he can accomplish that.

Corydan is also arrogant. There is no lack of self-confidence in this man. At times this confidence can lead to messy situations, but he’d never admit to being wrong. Nothing he does is wrong in his eyes, there is always a purpose behind his actions. Due to his intolerance of most people, he tends to be rather moody. He barely has any filter and snaps at others often. His language is usually vulgar and profane. Corydan is also rather sarcastic and enjoys seeing people squirm uncomfortably from his words of contempt.

If for some reason he finds someone interesting enough he can be rather obsessive. He has stalker-like tendencies and will always try to keep tabs on said individual. Corydan is possessive over things and people he thinks he ‘owns’. He’s quick to get jealous; which isn’t something someone would honestly want to happen. Corydan gets violent, and manipulative and will very quickly work to put whoever it is back in their place. They’re his after all; they should know this. This garmr is quite dominant and rather assertive. He savors being the one in control at all times.

Corydan isn’t the most mentally sound person if that wasn’t evident enough. Though he keeps his composure well to keep up his bravado. Very few, if anyone, has seen his more vulnerable side. It is there but hidden within the recesses of his built-up ego. He can be affectionate, but the moments are fleeting. Any tenderness is masked with sarcasm, witty remarks, and incredulous sighs.


  • Photography
  • Blood
  • Journaling
  • Coffee


  • Heights (fear)
  • Night time
  • Being wrong
  • People


Corydan was born into the Mana pack. His mother was an enslaved Skoll and his father was one the leader of the Mana pack. Despite his mixed lineage, he was treated relatively well, as well as one would be as a Mana-born whelp. Of course, after rearing age, he wasn’t allowed to see his mother, Akaela. During his youth, his father would tell him stories of great battles of bloodshed. The stories were fantastical, always featuring victory. An emphasis was placed on being strong, ruthless, and following in his father’s footsteps. Corydan was naive, eager to please, and looked forward to following the path laid before him.

As he grew the garmr became curious about the mother he rarely saw. He began sneaking to meet her in secret. Akaela was a gentle soul but did not shy away from telling him about their history. She spoke of her birth pack, the Skoll, and told him of their customs and tales. It was then Corydan learned the truth of his heritage. He learned about the enslavement of the Skoll and grew to be less jaded. The man, no longer blinded by loyalty to his pack, watched the mistreatment and horror that happened to those enslaved and captured by the Mana.

When Delevan found out about the secret meetings he was enraged. That night the young garmr learned how easy it was for his father to turn his rage onto him. He was punished brutally, but it did not make him fear his sire. Instead, resentment took root and began to fester the more the abuse continued.

Corydan loved his mother and the time they shared, as such the meetings never stopped. They continued into his adulthood with him even trying to bring her food and resources when able. He did his best to take care of his mother when possible. One of the guards for the Mana saw him one early morning and alerted his father.

Delevan was enraged not only at his son but the Skoll female that had been filling their offspring’s head with ‘lies’ and ‘filth’. The rthless leader beat Akaela, eventually killing her. His fury would shift to his son, but Corydan was prepared for it. Upon seeing his mother’s bloody and crippled form all the festering resentment morphed into unhindered rage. Corydan would slay his father, breaking his bones and tearing out his throat with his fangs.

The Mana turned on him, dubbing him a traitorous bastard. Corydan fled, but the other garmr gave chase. He fled until he collapsed, being drawn to the void and meeting the Revenant. From that meeting, he would gain the gift of survival. He became marked and set out into the world to try and integrate himself into Voruzia.

Corydan spent years watching humans interact and doing his best to learn their social habits. Over time he became quite good at it, building up a false persona that had no trouble blending into society. He managed to find simple jobs to keep himself afloat, taking up photography as a hobby.

The longer he watched the people of Voruzia he realized some of them weren’t great individuals. There were thieves, murderers, rebels among other things. The garmr’s bloodlust was not easily quenched, however. His race, by nature, was violent after all. As such Corydan would use his beastial strength to kill these types of people. He’d take his time to learn about them before doing so. All of their habits and daily rituals would be recorded in notebooks, even the most mundane of things. Corydan would follow his victims relentlessly until an appropriate time was decided.

His kills were ruthless, always done in the dead of night. No one had caught him, but with enough slayings, he earned the serial killer title of the ‘Night Prowler’. It’s a title Corydan has embraced with pride. He played into it, even developing his own signatures for his murders that made it clear it was the Night Prowler to blame. As he grew bold his choices in victims would grow. No one was truly safe and anyone, with enough reason, could become the next on his list.


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.


Character [ relationship ]

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