


4 months, 6 days ago



AMAB, demiboy
20 moons
Jan. 22

Active;forever homed
$140 USD

For his coloring
Determination, resilience, and growth.
Open-minded Restless Risky

Elmsprout is small compared to his peers in PeakClan. He still stands taller than other cats in other clans, but many other cats are taller than him. He sports more scars than most cats his age, unfortunately, but was able to pull through with them. One being a horrible scar that made him lose an eye. There are other visible, larger scars on his body, but that one is the first one other cats see when faced with Elmsprout. He's been a little bit insecure about it for a very long time. His fur is tan and brown with tabby markings, making it easy to camouflage with the scenery of dry grass and yellow leaves (when he is able to climb). Their eyes are a similar type of yellow, complimenting their coloring altogether.
Elmsprout was built to run. Their physique is slim and lean, making it easy to slip between opponents or escape quickly. It makes airflow easier, and therefore is one of the best runners in his Clan... though his stamina isn't the greatest. They do win most races, though. Their fur is short but thick enough to withstand cold weather, with longer tufts being at his ears, heels/ankles, and underbelly.

Much of his life was spent losing and losing. There is character death, mentions of gruesome battle, and psychological problems being overthinking, self-loathing, etc. ᅳ Viewer discretion is advised

I have seen in you all the things I love in this world.

Intelligent, quick-witted, able to grasp concepts easily.

Amor fati.

Elmsprout, as an apprentice, was very quick to learn about his surroundings, and easily grasped fighting concepts. Though it was a little bit harder when he lost his left eye, Elmsprout pulled through and learned just as quickly as he did before. Now Elmsprout struggles with understanding things he didn't learn, like how to keep friendship and how to show vulnerability. So far, they seem to be... getting better?


  • He doesn't know what to do with the pain.

Relaxed and tolerant in attitude and manner.

I fall in love with souls, not faces.

Throughout his life, Elmsprout was able to tolerate many different challenges and face them from a point that gave way to both worlds. They didn't learn this from anyone, it was a skill they were inherited with. Though they don't seem particularly relaxed at all times, they are quite easy to approach due to how quick they are to understand where you are coming from. They are not your therapist, they are their own because they have went through so much that they can't find time to help others like they did so often before.


  • Elmsprout, calm down and think for a while.

Quick to find slight changes, etc. and is especially delicate to them.

Of course I feel too much, I am a universe of exploding stars.

Elmsprout has a high sense of detecting change in heart, environment, and manner. Whether they benefit him or not depends on how willing he is to accept the change. This is often not the case that he accepts them quickly. He needs to grow into them, so other cats have to give him patience... else he'd go haywire. Elmsprout doesn't know how to handle his emotions sometimes, and is quite delicate to negative statements or friends' personalities changing. They try their best to change with them to accomodate whatever needs those changes have, but is often unable to.


  • Give Elmsprout a change of pace, and a breather. They need it desperately.


  • Climbing
  • The Summit
  • Running
  • Talking/Conversation
  • The Clans
  • Learning


  • Strong wind
  • The cliffs
  • Vulnerability
  • Feeling lonely
  • Silence


  • Running
  • Climbing the Slope/Summit with Frozenstar
  • Hunting
  • Mentoring
  • Looking after kits


  • Climbing
  • Stealth
  • In-n-Out fighting
  • Hunting rabbits


  • Hunting birds
  • Swimming
  • Tracking
  • Face-to-face combat (due to half blindness)


In-n-out fighting is basically a way of fighting that consists of hit and run and duck and dive. Elmsprout is very good at slipping in and out of view, and usually uses the element of surprise to make his chances of winning easier. He avoids more brute characters for a reason.


Climbing was a talent Elmsprout developed at a young age, having expressed an interest for the skill even during kithood. Now, whenever he takes walks with Frozenstar to the Summit, Elmsprout likes to take the hard way and meet Frozenstar half way in the middle and gloat about how good he is at picking his way through rocks. They usually get cuffs around the ears for that.


Elmsprout is not good at tracking. What they are good at, though, is chasing rabbits down before they can get to their burrows. Most of PeakClan's hare and rabbit supply is from him, due to how much he prefers to hunt them instead of mice and voles and whatnot. They are not the best at hunting birds, but have caught a few mid-flight!

Grass; Wind; Sap


Lean; Slim; Lithe


Short; Thick; Tufty


Narrow; Kind; Big


Medium-high; Light-hearted; Playful


Funny friend; Jester


  • Scars shown on current ref are not opt.
  • Half-blindness is not opt.
  • Feel free to randomize his stripe markings on his legs!
  • Don't forget the ear-bushes:3
  • Eyes are usually dilated and relaxed!


  • Elmsprout leaves the Summit as a place only to visit with Frozenstar. He only goes up there alone when he needs it.
  • Elmsprout loves being around kits and apprentices. Sometimes he sneaks a good bit of information to them behind their mentors' backs or before they start apprenticeship.
  • They keep a small seashell in their nest from their first Gathering. The pretty red-andpink thing makes Elmsprout happy whenever they look at it. They want to take fur-weaving lessons so that it could be with them all the time.


  • To be able to feel truly free.
  • To be a father.
  • To have good connections with past apprentices and other.


  • Vulnerability
  • Heights
  • Losing loved ones


  • Uses humor to cope
  • Doesn't know how to word problems
  • A little bit immature and hard to change


Elmsprouts's upbringing.

"I can't wait to be not only tall, but as strong as you!"
Elmsprout, as a young apprentice, was very mischievous and a prankster. He went about his day bringing torment to his clanmates and relishing in their reactions. When it had snowed, Elmpaw skidded to a halt close to anyone so that it'd send a wave in their direction. During their first Gathering, Elmpaw had met a certain MeadowClan warrior named Cashewcurl, and the ginger tom gave him a little present: a small, red and pink shell. They cherish it, and have been since then. The life this apprentice led took a horrible turn quickly. Elmpaw was invited to a patrol with four other warriors whose names were Witheredbliss, Bugfreckle, Cliffrush, and their mentor Whistlewind. He was close in second with Witheredbliss when he had to witness his mentor slip off the cliff that they had just stopped running to. Elmpaw nearly saved her, but was distracted when Witheredbliss dived to get her as well, but her jump was too powerful. Elmpaw had to watch both of them plummet, and stare back at Cliffrush and Bugfreckle.
This traumatized him. The life they lived before was gone. Whistlewind was gone, and they needed a new mentor. Quickly after, Elmpaw was given to a warrior with the name of Frozenrunner. A warrior they looked up to, big, strong, and everything Elmpaw wanted to be. The two, as a get-to-know-eachother, went to the Summit after Elmpaw expressed an interest in going up there, reflecting on how small they are and how it'd be understandable that they couldn't. There, Frozenrunner taught him all that the other two Clans had to offer. Elmpaw was beginning to trust Frozenrunner, though they'll never let themselves forget Whistlewind.


  • Frozenrunner and Elmsprout have a very strong bond after this moment they shared.


Elmpaw's accident.

"All he could see was blood."
The late days of his moons as a young apprentice could not have gone worse. Elmpaw eagerly went on a patrol to find where loners that had been getting more and more and confident. Though Frozenrunner was audibly against this plan, Marblehop had given into Elmpaw's persuasion and let him go with the rest of the patrol- with GroveClan warriors, included. Elmpaw fought valiantly alongside Frozenrunner, even taking some massive warriors down- scaring them away. Eventually, Elmpaw was taken away from Frozenrunners side by an anonymous rogue. The rogue tore into him almosot immediately, and Elmpaw was convinced he would die then. They didn't, though, after Frozenrunner found them being savaged by the rogue. The rogue didn't stand a chance against Frozenrunner, but Elmpaw had suffered the consequences of letting their guard down. They had lost their left eye.


  • Life will never be the same for Elmsprout after this moment. All days spent were with insecurity and self-consciousness. Elmsprout was commended for his bravery, but he didn't think he was very brave... though he and Frozenrunner were the only surviving two out of the patrol.


Elmsprout's present.

"What if that was me?"
Elmsprout got his warrior name next to his best friend, Gatorsnap. They were given it after their perserverance and determination in the first battle against RuneClan. Even though the battle was lost, and GroveClan had lost their camp to RuneClan, the two apprentices lived side by side and therefore got to experience their last ceremony together. Elmsprout was extremely proud of them both. Elmsprout and Frozenrunner shared a heart-warming conversation soon after, one that Elmsprout will never forget.
The second battle against RuneClan was one with so many events that he didn't know would happen. His mentor was chosen as the next leader after Marblehop died in an effort to save the mediators of MeadowClan and their medicine cat, Palesnow. Elmsprout knew in his heart that Frozenrunner was definitely the best choice, and even voted him for next leader, but... had some selfish doubts. They wanted to keep their relationship with Frozenrunner close to heart, but Frozenrunner had drifted, as much as Elmsprout tried to keep it from doing so. But here he was, fighting the rogues again.
Elmsprout watched Frozenrunner's battle against Runestar. They had hid in a tree to get the best view, and to not get attacked mid-spectating. Horror struck through him like the thunder and lightning that started right as Frozenrunner died in front of him. He hadn't gotten his lives yet. But Frozenrunner came back, and killed Runestar instead. An uneasy sort of dread spread through his body like ice-cold water from the Bay. Runestar and Elmsprout were so close in age, he had even seen the cat around PeakClan's camp, living life like a usual apprentice. They had trained next to him, and Frozenrunner killed him.


  • Idle note- Elmsprout gets a new apprentice soon after this battle concludes- they did win.
Prefers homy spaces Very gatekeep-y with certain locations Likes running

The Stretch

Vast / Open / Perfect for hunting
Elmsprout usually goes here with Gatorsnap so that they could spend time together. The open space gives him a freeing feeling. He loves hunting here, especially with how good he is at hunting rabbits.


  • likes cloud-chasing with Gatorsnap here.
  • the sparse hiding space gives him an "all or nothing" feeling
  • IS all-or-nothing as a cat, so this place suits him.

Starbright Summit

Tall / Steep / Lonesome
The area is reserved for only them and Frozenstar. Elmsprout loves spending his time talking to the big tom here, because it seems that Frozenstar is a bit more open and relaxed with Elmsprout here. Now he goes up alone to think.


  • Likes the sparse air
  • Shrill wind gives him a chill
  • Exhilirating to climb

Quality time; Conversations

Single; crushing on Gatorsnap
  • Strength personality-wise and physically
  • Equally outdoorsy
  • Considerate
Former-mentor Main-influence
"I'm proud of you, Frozenstar."
Frozenstar was Elmsprout's second mentor after Whistlewind died. He and the big tom were very close after the battle against the rogues, of which they were the only living survivors. They confided in Frozenstar every chance he got, and they both shared advice to each other. Now their relationship is a bit rocky, and Elmsprout doesn't know how to move forward from this point so that they don't lose their relationship.


  • Elmsprout feels lost, not knowing how to ask Frozenstar about whatever. He feels that Frozenstar's authority over him makes it a bit harder to approach him. They know that Frozenstar doesn't want this, but he can't help but feel that way.
Best friend Crush Feels comfortable around
"Keep going, Gatorsnap! You're amazing!"
Elmsprout and Gatorsnap trust each other a lot, and have a lot of affection towards each other. In all honesty, they act like an old married couple sometimes, and Frozenstar gives Elmsprout knowing glances and talks about Gatorsnap in a voice that belongs to a father, and Elmsprout can only feel annoyance when he talks like that, but lighthearted annoyance. They also know that they like Gatorsnap, but are scared of telling it.


Elmsprout's first apprentice, at such a young age. Elmsprout tries his best to teach the apprentice all that he's learned, and is particularly easy on her after she lost her other mentor. He knows exactly what it feels like to lose a teacher.
Friend Wants to protect her
Their relationship isn't the closest, but Fortuneflutter has given Elmsprout some very, very valuable counsel. After she did, Elmsprout vowed to themself that they would help and protect Fortuneflutter, especially now that she is taking care of kits.