Liliete Von Sain



5 years, 10 months ago


the ghost
full Name Liliete Bri Von Sain
Nicknames Lil
Age 15
birthdate October 23rd
Gender Female
pronouns she/her
species Ghost
race White
Height 5'6"
charactor creator butterfly
design creator ozeri
world standalone
status Living
currently Inactive; Sub-main
code credit vomcodesstuff

Liliete is a very dazed and imaginatative soul, one who always appears to be "elsewhere". She talks slowly and does everything with a gentle thoroughness, never being harsh with anyone. She works will with her hands and is quite resourceful, loving to craft and sew. With an empathetic heart she is understanding and kind, with a tendency to want to bear everyone else's problems. She carries a deeper understanding of the meaning in her surroundings and is very insightful, albeit she's not usually very aware of this fact. Never is she judgemental, as she believes differences are what make a person and that all walks of life deserve the attention they need. She speaks when spoken to and uses her manners, always being honest and fair in speech.

Lil is constantly dissociating and barely ever understands where she is or why. She isn't self aware or socially aware at all, seeming to exist in her own little bubble of sensations and thoughts. She's terrible in a crisis because of this and has a very slow reaction time. Often she is prone to "woe is me" behavior and self pity, crying instead of standing up and fixing her problems. Extremely shy and withdrawn, she has no friends aside from her spirits and rarely ever talks. Never does she take the initiative to stand up for herself or bring down issues, preferring to be a healer and a pacifist. She's very weak minded and caves easily. Constantly trembling and crying, she isn't built for even the most mildly stressful situations. She can also be very childish in her behavior.


In the late 1800s there was once born a little girl named Liliete. Her life was, for the most part, very average. Her family was working class, she was an only child with a married father and mother, life was simple. However, this girl's big secret would become the fact that she was mentally ill. From a young age she didn't display any proper developmental milestones, was socially isolated, and showed behavior uncommon for someone her age.

In her first years of school Liliete very soon had to drop out. She found herself unable to focus in class or interact with others as expected of her. Unfortunately due to the time period her parents did not how to discover what was wrong, and were both confused and disappointed. However, they loved her anyway and budgeted out the money for a private tutor. She once again began studies, and for the most part remained happy.

Yet eventually her parents decided that school was an essential part of their daughter's life experience. Liliete begged to not be made to go, saying she didn't need public schooling to be happy and she would do her best to improve alone. However, it was decided the money for her tutoring needed to go elsewhere. She was scheduled to be sent to a catholic school as soon as possible, and the prospect was one that terrified her.

It seemed in the beginning that maybe, just maybe, all would turn out well. The Sisters and other teachers were kind, the facility was clean, all students were cared for and loved. However, Liliete was about to experience something entirely new: bullying. Bullying over her mental health. A group of girls were able to tell that she was different somehow, and they began to jeer, point, poke fun, and even steal her possessions. She was too reclusive and afraid to tell anyone, leaving an open gate to be attacked.

Such cruelty went on for approximately three months before the worst could occur. Lil was studying at the top of a tower where she thought she would be alone. But as she stood up to take a look at the view, two hands pushed her from behind. One of the girls had shoved her over the edge. Down, down, down she fell, and her head was horrifically speared on a spiked fence before being detached from her body. A true murder had occurred. All she could remember was searing pain, darkness, and then a blinding light before awaking once more.

At first Liliete believed that she had miraculously survived the fall. However, a loud scream emitted when she turned and saw her own headless body being carried away. No one responded, for Lil was now a lone ghost at the catholic school. Everything was different now: cold, wavering, no head to call her own, but she would not be alone for long. To her great surprise, she turned to see three fiery red orbs floating behind her that spoke to her in whispering voices.

They called themselves Samuel, Adini and May, and they were spirits of the dead who were called to guide unfortunate souls such as Liliete. After instructing her not to panic, they promised to show her the ways of a ghost. Thus, her new life began. She has been shown how to walk, talk, and interact with the world in her lonely new form. If a chair rattles, a door creaks, a presence watches you at the Seinefield Catholic Girl's School, one can be sure it is Liliete calling to you from beyond her grave.


Fusce ac lacus vitae diam vestibulum efficitur. Sed pellentesque ullamcorper eros at accumsan. Suspendisse potenti. Sed commodo velit eu libero ultrices pellentesque. Aenean consequat posuere ultrices. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nam nec luctus leo. Vivamus condimentum ligula vel lorem auctor cursus. Nunc sed dolor a sapien tempus congue quis at erat. Duis feugiat rutrum augue convallis sodales.

Duis eu dolor ac magna bibendum lobortis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec tempor nulla et ligula aliquet, vel fermentum dui tincidunt.


Fusce ac lacus vitae diam vestibulum efficitur. Sed pellentesque ullamcorper eros at accumsan. Suspendisse potenti. Sed commodo velit eu libero ultrices pellentesque. Aenean consequat posuere ultrices. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nam nec luctus leo. Vivamus condimentum ligula vel lorem auctor cursus. Nunc sed dolor a sapien tempus congue quis at erat. Duis feugiat rutrum augue convallis sodales.

Young Adult

Fusce ac lacus vitae diam vestibulum efficitur. Sed pellentesque ullamcorper eros at accumsan. Suspendisse potenti. Sed commodo velit eu libero ultrices pellentesque. Aenean consequat posuere ultrices. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nam nec luctus leo. Vivamus condimentum ligula vel lorem auctor cursus. Nunc sed dolor a sapien tempus congue quis at erat. Duis feugiat rutrum augue convallis sodales.

Duis eu dolor ac magna bibendum lobortis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec tempor nulla et ligula aliquet, vel fermentum dui tincidunt.


Fusce ac lacus vitae diam vestibulum efficitur. Sed pellentesque ullamcorper eros at accumsan. Suspendisse potenti. Sed commodo velit eu libero ultrices pellentesque. Aenean consequat posuere ultrices. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nam nec luctus leo. Vivamus condimentum ligula vel lorem auctor cursus. Nunc sed dolor a sapien tempus congue quis at erat. Duis feugiat rutrum augue convallis sodales.

Duis eu dolor ac magna bibendum lobortis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec tempor nulla et ligula aliquet, vel fermentum dui tincidunt.

Name relationship

Sed vehicula tempus justo, fringilla efficitur nulla laoreet vitae. Ut nisi libero, laoreet ac ex a, condimentum laoreet dui.

Name relationship

Sed vehicula tempus justo, fringilla efficitur nulla laoreet vitae. Ut nisi libero, laoreet ac ex a, condimentum laoreet dui.

Name relationship

Sed vehicula tempus justo, fringilla efficitur nulla laoreet vitae. Ut nisi libero, laoreet ac ex a, condimentum laoreet dui.

Name relationship

Sed vehicula tempus justo, fringilla efficitur nulla laoreet vitae. Ut nisi libero, laoreet ac ex a, condimentum laoreet dui.

extra facts

The three spirits of the dead are always arguing over how to properly guide Liliete, and she often has to make peace among them.

She misses her family immensely, and when she cries about them mysterious wails can be heard through the halls.

She may or may not have played some nasty tricks on her killers, who played her death up as a suicide.


Fusce ac lacus vitae diam vestibulum efficitur. Sed pellentesque ullamcorper eros at accumsan. Suspendisse potenti. Sed commodo velit eu libero ultrices pellentesque. Aenean consequat posuere ultrices. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nam nec luctus leo. Vivamus condimentum ligula vel lorem auctor cursus. Nunc sed dolor a sapien tempus congue quis at erat. Duis feugiat rutrum augue convallis sodales.

Duis eu dolor ac magna bibendum lobortis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec tempor nulla et ligula aliquet, vel fermentum dui tincidunt.

  • Nulla aliquet: Fusce ac lacus vitae diam vestibulum efficitur. Sed pellentesque ullamcorper eros at accumsan. Suspendisse potenti. Sed commodo velit eu libero ultrices pellentesque.
  • Nulla aliquet: Fusce ac lacus vitae diam vestibulum efficitur. Sed pellentesque ullamcorper eros at accumsan. Suspendisse potenti. Sed commodo velit eu libero ultrices pellentesque.
coded by vom base design by Nakoo