Nocturne (Roleplay plots?)



So here's some random ideas for rp/story plots which I wrote down at some point, some follow the plot of his actual lore/AUs like Crocodile hiring Noc is just his Baroque Works AU and the Penguin & Shachi/Smoker one being part of his main lore

Crocodile x Nocturne (NoCroc/CrocNoc sounds funny)
-Set  in the OP world, basically an AU for my oc where instead of growing up  learning to be the best thief and meeting Smoker, they instead focused  on assassinations and became the best assassin/bounty hunter, mostly  also due to his devil half allowing him to already be super fast, light  on his feet and to blend into the dark. He managed to poke around and  sneak into places he shouldnt have and find info on who the boss of  Baroque was and ended up confronting him due to wanting to work for him  directly, not wanting to try 'climbing up the ranks' since his whole  thing is being deadly and never seen (would defeat the purpose of his  non-existant assassin image if he was known so went straight to the  source) but he needs to prove his skills if he really wants to work  directly to him, so the deal is in a week, he needs to try to  assassinate Crocodile and not be caught doing it. So during the week, he  is nowhere seen but actually still lurking around in any spot he can  slip into and tries multiple tactics. Poisoning his drinks/foods,  throwing knives, traps, but so far none worked yet, Croc would just know  its poisoned and not eat/drink or the knives goes through him cuz sand  or he just stopped sleeping for the week so couldnt do sleep  assassinations. And whenever he is present and seen (only when Croc is  alone) he decides to use those times to chat with the other to get any  info thats usable against him, but it would mostly just end up with them  almost bickering, to the point that croc doesnt even care that Noc is  sitting on his shoulder and talks back to him, since during the whole  week, he already made up his mind for him to join but just wanted to  really see what the other would try to pull. however, the longer it  went, the more Noc kinda started catching feelings for the other and how  he never really minded what he did or looked like and being around was  nice so his attempts would become less frequent but overall sticking  around, out of hiding to hang around Croc and get softer and nicer as he  feels more comfortable being his true self, even starting to get  flustered over some things crocodile does and reconsidering his deal he  made. Also the only difference to his design in this Au is his hat is  changed to a simple black beanie (since he only got the new one from  joining the heart pirates and here, he didnt)

-Set in a modern zombie apocolyspe Au(think left 4 dead 2), Crocodile  is a casino owner and/or mafia boss and Noc is a thief and they both  run into eachother during the whole zombie panic and destruction and  decide to stick together to survive. Croc is the tank, he's the one  mostly attacking any zombies nearby that pose a threat and keep Noc safe  while he's the scavanger, able to slip anywhere and to find valuable  resources and to make the most of it with his experience on the streets.  They both try to make it across the large city to the safezone, so they  walk through the disaster of a city and taking turns sleeping in  certain abandoned houses during the night which usually is too dangerous  to walk through, and they both grow closer from being forced to work  with eachother. Noc is also a scaredy cat even though he tries to have a  tougher act, Croc sees this but tries to comfort the other in small  ways, like pulling him closer for safety or being closer to him when  he's sleeping so he can hold onto him and not feel scared that he'll  abandon him.

Penguin & Shachi x Nocturne (poly)
-Set in  the OP world, follows his canon lore (mostly written on his profile),  and basically after joining the heart pirates and getting used to being  with them and trusting them, he starts growing feelings over the duo as  they invited him more and more to be a part of their friend group and  doing activities together, even making him start feeling more open to  express himself and being more energetic. Theyre even the only ones in  the crew to learn how to read his mood from how his tail reacts and know  how to comfort him, not to mention theyre all convering their eyes so  he felt accepted. Though he doesnt know how they look like exactly  (since he uses observation haki to 'see' around him and navigate) he  still has a strong connection to them but always feels awkward thinking  of bringing up his attraction to them since they openly show their  interest in women so he kinda keeps his feelings to himself, whenever  they would arrive at an island, the 3 would go off together to have fun  and the duo always try to find some chicks and even trying to help their  friend to find one but Noc keeps trying to drop some hints that he's  actually gay, even though he would mention 'his type' being basically  just a description of Shachi and Penguin, they only caught on the gay  part (initially thinking that his type was really specific for a woman)  and theyre really supportive but still oblivious that their friend  actually likes them more than friends. The only way they would get it is  through an accidental confession. (including a very very flustered  Nocturne)

Sanji x Noctrune (SaNoc also sounds funny)
-Set  in the OP world, where Noc is dropped off with the Strawhats as Law is  trying to force him to see them as allies (due to his hatred towards  pirates, ironic that he joined a pirate crew himself) so he's left alone  with the Strawhats to try and build up some trust but things initially  dont go well with some of the crew being scared of him(Usopp and  Chopper) and some not liking having to babysit another crew's  member(mostly Zoro and Nami) and it doesnt help that Noc is acting cold  and distant from them, even attacking Luffy and having a knife to his  throat due to the other being too touchy when Noc hates it when people  touch either his skin or devil features due to them being very sensitive  to the touch, so he only allows people he trusts deeply to do so, and  threatening the captain doesnt go so well with the others. But Sanji  mostly notices how Noc acts, even when cold and not caring, the subtle  self-hugging, slight frown, the way his tail curls around his leg when  sitting alone, so he tries to slowly be friendly towards the heart  pirate and being more observing on his body language to respect his  bounderies which the other appreciates. and brings him meals even when  he refuses to go into the kitchen to eat with the others.

-set in a modern Au with a restaurant/cafe which is ran by the  Strawhats and Noc is a new regular but always arrives near the closing  time when there's less people but usually orders to go so doesnt stay to  be in the way of everyone, however he always looks like he's tired when  asking for coffee and only buys small portions. Turns out its cuz  theyre curently homeless and living on the streets and only looks decent  due to sneaking into hotel rooms that arent rented yet to stay clean  and sleep in but christmas was coming so the hotel rooms were starting  to get booked so he wouldnt be able to sneak into a room without it  already having someone there, and he didnt want to do that, so was being  more stressed due to staying anywhere he can and would buy coffee and  food here with any money he managed to scrape by with petty theif or odd  jobs and he just really liked the food here plus the cook being really  cute and they decide to offer him free food and to stay in so he doesnt  have to spend christmas outside which he appreciates and tries to help  around to pay back and is able to hang out with Sanji and grow closer 

Smoker & Nocturne (Platonic only)
-set in the  OP world, a father and son relationship, where Smoker found Noc when he  was younger trying to survive and decided to take him in and  train/raise him and initially Noc hated marines but thought that Smoker  and the G5 were exceptions and liked being around them, but mostly  around Smoker. The vice-admiral gave him a snail to stay in contact but  when he joined the heart pirates, he stopped regulary calling Smoker out  of fear that he would abandon and turn against him for choosing to join  pirates even when he said he hated pirates and would never join them  and that meant he was an enemy to the navy and didnt want Smoker to  leave him when he just started accepting him as a father figure, but  Smoker actually still cares for him and doesnt have it in him to really  abandon him suddenly but now is more protective over his son and not  wanting the heart pirates to hurt him or to get him in big trouble but  when he does find out and sees how scared and upset Noc is for not  telling him, he feels bad but lets him know that he's still his son.