Serial Designation LšŸ‘Š



4 months, 1 day ago


This is placeholder code until this character gets fully coded!


Full Name Serial Designation L
Nicknames/Aliases L, 'Lori'
Gender Demi-Girl
Pronouns She/They
Age ???
Species Disassembly Drone
Height 6'1'' (185.42 cm)
Sexuality Lesbian
Occupation Ship Pilot / W's right hand gal
Significant Other Serial Designation W


Serial Designation L is an average-height disassembly drone with long pale-gray/silver hair that goes down past her shoulders. Half of their LEDs (right side) are a sunflower yellow while the other half (left side) is a pale yellow color. Their face is almost always resting as a light frown. Her usual outfit is a pale purple undershirt with a V-cut opening at the collar as well as a non-matching oddly minty green jacket over top of it. Their leg pattern is mainly black aside from a white diamond pattern on the front of their knees.

  • Killing worker drones
  • Reading
  • Standing out in the snow silently
  • Hanging out with W
  • Serial Designation S and everyone it is friends with
  • Going above the clouds
  • W ignoring her
  • The sun
  • Surprisingly good at manipulation
  • Does a lot of things with W, regardless if she knows its wrong or not
  • Her main goal is also still to wipe every Worker Drone from Copper-9
  • W and L have different oil preferences, sort of like how people drink coffee with sugar or something else in it and bicker over witch is better
  • L is a very deep sleeper, needing to be shot at or whacked with a drone arm to be taken out of sleep mode
  • Still has her pilot cap, its just around there somewhere
  • While they are a bitch, she never misgendered S
  • Thought it was stupid that S couldn't meet simple quota's, agreed with W's choice of kicking it out
  • Was actually the one who suggested taking Asmi hostage, how fucking dare you
  • L created a dummy drone look alike of S for W bc they told them to so they could keep practicing to kill S and such
  • L likes to keep her white leg pattern shiny and neat, mostly bc W tells them to
